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jimin tries to ignore the burning sensation in his chest as he walks beside jeongguk to school, anxiety
licks his skin and paints his features as he shuffles closer to jeongguk for reassurance.

although jimins heads in the claws of the devils, he attempts to listen to jeongguks voice, half way through telling jimin a funny story in hopes of easing the boys slightly shaking figure.

jimin smiles, head tilting down in shyness as jeongguk finishes telling his story, smiling too as he feels happy for making jimin smile. even if it was just a little.

the two boys walk towards the school gate, jimins head still hung low until the light touch of jeongguks body pressed against his side brings his head up.

he gulps thickly, eyes gracing across his bullies who all turned their heads to look at him.

frowning, jeongguk gently pushes jimin behind him, sending them a harsh glare before muttering something to jimin.

"c'mon, just ignore them."

jimin just nods, turning his head to stare at the back of jeongguks soft hair. the anxiety in his chest slowly deepens, head aching as his thoughts wander to the appearance of his tormentors.

each of them had red and purple blemishes on their faces, lips cut and uniforms ripped. his eyes wander back to jeongguks figure, and he feels safe, but jimin never realised what taehyung and jeongguk were capable of when it came to him.

shaking his head jimin tries not to think about the blood dripping from each of his tormentors as they walked past him and jeongguk the other day, knowing very well taehyung has beat them until they were begging on their knees.

"you okay?" jeongguk suddenly asks, noticing jimin had dropped back a little bit. turning around jeongguk raises an eyebrow, not missing jimins trembling bottom lip, "i-i really miss taehyung." jimin snivels.

jeongguk doesn't say anything, but steps forwards and pulls jimin against his chest.

"i know i'm not taehyung, but i hope this gives you a sense of security."

jimin stays quiet, letting jeongguk hug him. he leans against the touch, imagining it was taehyung hugging him.

"i'll meet you outside each of your lessons to walk you to your next, alright?" jeongguk smiles lightly, gently letting jimin out of his hold.

jimin nods once again, "thank you, jeongguk."


taehyungs fists clench by his sides as he steps through the college entrance, eyes hardening whilst a look of anger paints his features. physically, he feels fine – apart from the slight cut on his lip.

mentally, taehyungs head spins with anxiety and his insides are drowned with worry, he needs to see if jimins okay, he needs to know if his lover is okay.

glancing around the entrance of the college taehyung steps his way through, eyebrows furrowing as he sees a teacher step towards him.

"kim taehyung, you're excluded–"

at this taehyung growls, "just let me fucking see him."

suicidal | kth + pjm Where stories live. Discover now