Part 34

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*Me Hiding in Kufri under the Frozen Snow * Sorry For Late updates

Enjoy !

Do Check out My New Massive One Shot on RiKara : Heart Lives Again

Chapter 34

The Sleeping King wakes up slowly as he blinks his eyes to clear the blurry vision to Find himself no longer in his bed rather on a plane seat with his PJ's which had Spider man printed on it .

Shivaay gasps in horror "Kidnapped - I am Kidnapped -Save me-Help me" he starts panicking as He shouts .

"Shivaay ! " Gauri calls him out cheerfully from her seat . She was sat behind his seat .

Shivaay stands up and scans around to Find him in actually in a The Oberoi's Private Jet and Looks around to Find everyone had occupied separate seats well except for Rudra who was lost in Bhavya . Anika was into her Novel whereas Omkara had put on his headphones and Khanna who was looking at him and shaking his head disinterest .

"Sit idiot !" Gauri yells at him seeing the Jet starting to take off

Shivaay snorts and starts showing tantrums shouting and yelling "What the hell is going here? Gauri - I'll kill you " He shouts making Gauri laugh in return while Anika looks up from her novel and just like that goes back into her novel while others are deaf ears .

"You look like Mr.Bean" Gauri says chuckling seeing him looking too funny

"You" Shivaay clenches his fist yelling angrily but Finds himself thrown into the seat and a big arm putting his seat belt.

Shivaay looks up to Find two well strong built men Smiling at him which made them look scary "The jet is taking off" They chorus too eerily , Shivaay frowns and throws his legs and hands fussing like a baby showing tantrums at The Jet Attendants while others are deaf ears to his plight.

Gauri shuts her eyes tightly while cupping her ears feeling the jet taking off scared chanting onto hanuman chalisa . She feels a hand squeezing hers . She opens her eyes slowly to Find him sitting beside her - His eyes closed with his headphones on but his palm was holding hers tightly . Gauri looks around quickly to check whether anyone is noticing her but She sees all busy with their own chores . She rests her head on his shoulder while holding onto his forearm tightly and continues to chant her hanuman chalisa . She feels his arms around her shoulder and finds her lips curving up Seeing him sitting with her instead of Anika .

"Don't think too much " Omkara whispers making her scrunch her nose and look up

"Small Rats might slip from the Biggie seat " He teases seeing the seat belt too big for her .

Gauri frowns seeing him going on her structure "Cat-You" She stops seeing him raising his brows wanting her to continue .

"You are -Leave !" She snorts throwing her hands up making him laugh at her antics .

"But I am Cross" Gauri hears Omkara snort "You tricked me to get here"

Gauri chuckles biting her lips and batting her eyelashes she says mischievously "You never told that Shivaay needs to give his consent like really - You said You'll join if he is onboard and see he is there" , She points at Shivaay who is back to sleep snorting .

"Whatever" Omkara snorts irritated ,Only If We are Both are Alone ! He sighs and gazes down to see her trying to keep her eyes open

"Sleep" Omkara whispers slowly closing her eyes with his palm "It's still midnight "

~A Cinderalla Tale ~Where stories live. Discover now