Part 5

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Chapter 5

Shivaay Reaches the Café to meet his would be fiancée , He sees her waiting for him Not bad Punctual Shivaay Muses

"Hi" , The Heiress gives a smile

"mmm Ragini right?" He asks with not so interested look as She raises her brow .

"So we are Marrying --Just letting you know beforehand , Our marriage would be just a business deal after all -Just A Profitable Business " Ragini emphasizes as Shivaay Frowns .

Anika Enters the Café with one of her friend . Shivaay Spies on her as She nears him He pulls her by her arm as She crashes out to his chest .Cupping her face in his palms Shivaay Looks remorseful for a minute but swoops her in for kiss. Anika shocked due to sudden act closes her eyes in pleasure.She had Dreamed To be close to him , Ragini scoffs at them andleaves the place angrily.

Pulling out from the Kiss Shivaay puts his hands up "Sorry" and leaves the place as Anika looks dazed .

Catching up with him out She shouts "Shivaay"

Shivaay halts on his steps Regretting but wears his carefree mask soon as She comes face to face ,

"What was that?" She yells at him furiously

"A Kiss" He replies nonchalantly

She stares at him scandalized "Are you for real?" She asks him without blinking as She continues accusing , Tears makes their way out "You used me "

Shivaay Fumes "I did not use you..Get that was a kiss...Just ..A...Kiss" He tells her word by word trying to calm his anger.How could Sh ethink that He will use her?

Anika tells with sarcastic laugh "You know I am Fool to still believe that I will get my Old Shivaay back...After that incident 15 years ago who went away from me ? Why Shivaay? ..Still I believe somewhere through that carefree nature I feel my Shivaay is hidden " ,Pushing him away crying SHe leaves the place

. Shivaay's mask starts falling as tear slid down and leaves the place .


Throughout the Day Om had a Smile on his face .He did not know why He had been smiling so much like an idiot ? The way She Got pissed when He called her Ri. The way her petite frame matched with his like a long lost puzzle..her anger her smile .Everything was infectious .He hits his head with his palm for thinking nonsense it is nothing He just wanted to piss her so He called her "Ri" .It is nothing He chants to himself.


Gauri enters her home after work in the night , She finds her Family Settled for dinner including her Father . Seems like my Papa is back. Gauri tries to silently sneak into her room She hears her stepmom call her out , Gauri curses herself .Coming before her Family She sees Roop gives her a fake smile lovingly as Gauri scoffs mentally .

"Why didn't you come for Maa's Pooja ?" Gauri asks meekly

Her Father snaps at her "Here is your mother " as He says Pointing at Roop .

"Why you didn't?" Gauri repeats this time a bit loudly .

"I do not have time to waste for people who are dead "He yells

Gauri answers back fuming "That Person You are Talking is The Women you spend your life with for almost Fifteen years "

Gauri's Father Sharma glares at her as Roop and Ridhimaa smirks .

Unable to take it Gauri leaves to her room to come back frowning "Where are my things?"

"Oh Dear it is in your Room" Roop tells her lovingly

"It is not" She snaps back at her .

"Oh Child it is in the room where you are Ridhimaa had been sharing for years now !" She fakes a smile .

"How much do you act? Sharing?" She busts out ,

Mr.Sharma Slams his hand on the table "Just Shut up Gauri ..How could you even treat her like this? She is your mother who gave your love and care when your own mother wasn't here"

Gauri answers back seething "Care and Love?...Do you know how do they treat me ?" .

.'Gauri what did I ever to do you my child?..Why do you want to make me bad In front of your father? " Roop fakes tears and starts sobbing.

"I am just stating facts" Gauri raises her voice

Mr.Sharma loses his temper and ends up slapping Gauri as He spats venomously "This is What happens when you raise someone else's child as your own" ,

Gauri's eyes goes wide horrified as Roop and Ridhimaa gapes and Simultaneously asks "She is not your Child?" Ridhimaa and Roop look at each smirking smiling inwardly.

Gauri look numb The man who is in front of her ? Whom She had thought as her father?..How could he? Without a word Flabbergasted She leaves to her room taking out her mother's picture with her She moves out of the house .

Roop Shouts from behind as Gauri hears Mr.Sharma Warn them "Don't you dare let her in "

But Roop comes running , faking her tears She hugs Gauri murmuring loudly "You cannot leave the house like this"

but pulls Gauri close and Whispers "That's right when you leave everything will fall back in place "She smirks

Gauri without not responding walks out of the place She had lived her life .She walks out of the place where She had been told She did not belong.

The Nature Witness the indifference Happen to Our Dabbang Cinderella as It starts thundering and raining heavily .As Gauri soaks in tears asShe falls on the Ground crying ,

"I am not his blood.." She shouts loudly as She cocoons herself in the middle of the road hugging her mother's photo close to her chest as She remembers a Memory of her playing with her mother and family happily when She small

"Why mama?" She cries "Why?"

"How could Paa think that you would Cheat on him?..."

She stands up determined as She gives her call to Mr.Oberoi through her new brought cell for cheaper rate "Is the Offer valid?"

She could make out from the sound that Mr.Oberoi is smiling "Always your welcome".


Shivaay Falls on the bed as He thinks about Anika's words that his true form is hidden within himself , He takes a frame close to his bed as He runs his hands through them as He smiles sadly .The Picture was Two boys about 12 years hugging a 10 year old as they posed to the picture squealing.


Rudra was Shocked as He thought about the Girl who had kissed him .He had Many Female fans .This wasn't the first time someone had kissed him but it felt different He did not know why "Bhavya " He whispers as his lips curved up .


"Khanna Make arrangements "Mr.Oberoi Orders , Khanna nods and takes his leave.

Everything is Gonna change Come and See for yourself at The Mansion

The Cousins receive a text which is enough for them to drop their works and to head to the mansion. Gauri stands In front of the Oberoi Mansion in the Rain as She closes her eyes asking her maa mentally Is it okay Maa for me to stay here?" . Just then Khanna arrives with an umbrella asking her to lead the way . Cinderella Officially enters the Place With her three Prince's as They Slow Walk from behind her one by one .

Once Gauri is In Khanna Tells her "One Condition."NO DATING ANYONE IN THE MANSION".


Feedback Awaited :)

~A Cinderalla Tale ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora