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So-Hyun watched as Seung-Ho crossed the gates, ready to board the plane that would separate them for the next five months. Part of her feels silly for wanting to even hold him back and as he turns around one last time to smile at her, she wishes she could savour it.

Closing her eyes, she mutters to herself "I did it for two years, I can do it for five months." Turning back around she smiles shyly, only now remembering that Ji-Sub was behind her.

He insisted on dropping her off at work, before he went his own way. It was the first time they had spent time alone, without Seung-Ho and she found it amusing that they were the same people, but Ji-Sub was just older. She understood why he depended on him so much, he seemed responsible and his care for Seung-Ho was without words.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to."

"Of course I did. It was my pleasure and if you ever need anything, let me know So-Hyun-ssi." She bowed in response, waving as he drove off. She chose to spend the rest of her day submerging herself in documents and routine work. She wouldn't hear from him for at least twenty-four hours, so she kept herself busy until she's home with her mother.

Today they weren't scheduled for intense training but were guided on file organisation which she completed with her work partner Sun-Woo. She was genuinely happy that he had gotten the job and they worked well together. They both usually ranked high across their training department. They didn't usually have lunch together, but today seemed to be an exception with the addition of the others from their department.

"Sun-Woo-ssi, you're looking happier these days. You must really like this job." So-Hyun conversed.

"I guess, I had been looking for something for a long time." He responded shyly but received an inquisitive look from Ha-Na, another colleague of theirs.

"I don't think that's all... Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked, and the others soon urged him to respond. So-Hyun could sense he was uncomfortable so quickly helped change the topic, to which he gave a small smile of appreciation. He had always seemed like the shy type to So-Hyun and although she wasn't the talkative type herself, she knows how to read awkwardness in a situation.


The following weekend, So-Hyun had a date alligned with Ga-Young. They hadn't been able to meet up as much as they did in between managing her job and dating life and they both felt a little guilty about it.

"Ga-Young Unnie!" So-Hyun greeted from across the street.

"Hyunnie! Long-time no see!" Ga-Young squealed, hugging her friend. They had planned a girl's day out, starting with coffee, shopping, coffee again with the addition of lunch followed by more shopping and dessert. It was what they both needed after months of being launched into adult life.

"So... How are things with Professor? Are you coping?" Ga-Young asked, when they arrived at the desert parlour in Gangnam. It wasn't the usual dessert place though, this place played live jazz music and So-Hyun couldn't help but look around in interest. So-Hyun tried not to laugh at the way Ga-Young made it sound like she was a patient with the word 'coping'. Ga-Young didn't notice though and nudged her waiting for answer.

"Yeah, I'm doing well. He seems to be having fun, well as fun as conducting research every day can be." She pointed to a random desert on the menu and watched as they made their delicacies, hers turned out to be a banana waffle split and Ga-Young who was more experienced in dessert dining, ordered a triple set; crepes, cookie dough and ice-cream.

"It must be nice, having a smart boyfriend." Ga-Young teased, making So-Hyun laugh.

"You can't say that, Ji-Soo Oppa is going to join his family's law firm soon." So-Hyun shook her head in amusement when Ga-Young shrugged indifferently. "I mean it's only been a week, so I can't say I'm in agony. I do miss him a little though, but I won't tell him that. He's already so busy with everything."

My Psychology ProfessorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang