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~Chapter song: Seongbukdong By Kim Feel~

"Ah why am I always late" So-Hyun muttered to herself between breaths. Today was a 1 night and 2-day trip to a Psychiatric facility for the members of the Psychology club. She was supposed to be there for 9 am and it is now 8:55 am. At times like these she regrets even joining the club, she hadn't been to any of the meetings and deleted every email they sent. She'd joined up online just before the semester began thinking it'd be something to add to her profile... what a joke.

Good thing she built up her stamina from her weekend runs, she was almost at the University, glancing at the time on her watch and with only one minute left she ran like her life depended on it.

"Everybody, line up!" she could hear professor Seung Ho shout to the group of psychology students chatting. It was hot, and she was already covered in sweat, but she made it fortunately. Or unfortunately, whatever.

She didn't want to grab the attention of the others, especially before Professor Seung-Ho gives her more crap for it. She managed to join the back of the line, bending down with both hands on her knees, she was heaving... yeah not attention grabbing at all. She was getting closer to the front as the other students were registering and climbing into the coach one by one. Wiping off her sweat, she came face to face with Professor Seung-Ho.

So-Hyun greeted him and then reported her presence. He stared at her sweaty form and proceeded to tick her name from the list with a pen that looked very familiar to So-Hyun. Very familiar.

"Seonsaengnim... isn't that my pen? I lost that the other weekend" So-Hyun questioned

Professor Seung-Ho with his professional attitude on "And?" He replied with a smirk "Finders keepers. Get in" he said his smirk fading.

So-Hyun still confused as to how he got her pen got into the coach. When she stepped inside she could see that everyone had sat with their friends. Although it was a little awkward, that wasn't bothering her, what was bothering her however was that the only free seat left was at the front, where she'd be in direct view of the Professor. Great.

She sat right at the front, by the window, placing her bag next to her she put her earphones in. It's too early she whined. She paused her music when she saw the Professor motion at her to pull out her earphones.

"Listen up everybody! We'll be going to a Psychiatric facility, I trust all of you not to act like children and behave yourselves. It's not a zoo, we're not going there to look at people, you're going there to get experience of what the facility is like, the type of work the Psychiatrists do and how they handle their work." Professor Seung-Ho explained "Since we'll be getting there a little late for the working day, tonight you'll have free time and tomorrow will be very intense, so don't think about staying late drinking and then embarrassing the University's Psychology department tomorrow. Understood?"

When he heard the murmuring of the students, he asked again until they gave a firm "Yes Seonsaengnim".

So-Hyun continued pressed play on her music app and What the Spring? by 10cm started playing. She sent a message to Jin-Goo letting him know that she got the coach and telling him to have a good day. She let out a small smile seeing how he replied quickly.

> So-Hyun-ah have a good day! Don't get into any trouble! I already miss you TT

She smiled and replied

>Stop being weird

She smiled thinking about Jin-Goo before closing her eyes to get some more sleep.

Just when So-Hyun was getting comfortable, she felt something move by her side and opened her eyes to see Professor Seung-Ho putting her bag on top in the storage area and sat down next to her. So-Hyun looked at her professor half annoyed, and half confused as he was putting his seatbelt on. She didn't want to draw too much attention so she whispered

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