It's a dream

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Chapter 2:

"Should I ask a third time?" Professor Seung Ho asked calmly, now with arms folded across his chest.

So-Hyun still in complete shock, managed to say something. "Seonsaengnim, what are you doing here? I mean this is my friend's house" She fixed her words once she saw his eyebrows raise at her first question.

He scoffed at her "Clearly some friend of yours. Does your friendship include not telling each other when you move?" He said mocking her "As of yesterday, the people that lived here don't live here anymore" He deadpanned as he could tell she wasn't getting the gist yet.

"That doesn't make any... any sense, why would the Kang's move?" She asked, but she could tell by his face that he didn't really care. "Seonsaengnim, I'm really sorry of course I don't expect you to know." He still stood there with his arms crossed. "So... I'm going to go now. Again, I'm very sorry." She gave a deep bow and started to brush past him when the sound of his voice halted her movements

"Stop." His voice calm and her heartbeat racing.

"Pardon?" Her eyes piercing the back of his head

"You. You're Kim So-Hyun, right?

"Yes, seonsaengnim. I'm Kim So Hyun, first year Psychology major"

"Have something to drink before you go." He said.

"Pardon? Ah I don't think that-"He cut her off again – when doesn't he.

"It hasn't been long since I moved so I only have beer and orange juice" He said walking towards the kitchen without even listening to her.

Who does he think he is? Big ass professor, I'm a human too! She thought, biting her lips trying to hide her confusion.

"Seonsaengnim, didn't you say earlier that you're a 'man' before you're a professor? Do you think this situation is any different?" She asked taking two small steps forwards, not knowing whether to follow him into the kitchen.

She had her arms folded when he came around the corner with a glass of orange juice in his hands and she quickly unfolded them.

"Seonsaengnim" She said remembering he's still her professor.


"Y – yes?" She replied with a shaky voice staring at the floor.

"It's rude not to make eye contact with the person you're talking to. Look at me" He scolded in a low voice.

As So-Hyun lifted her head she saw something she never knew she'd see today and that was her uptight as heck psychology professor smiling at her. The same professor that gave her hell this morning is the same professor that is creeping her the heck out right now. What is this, is he a Psycho?

"You're probably thinking if I'm crazy right?" He said with a chuckle.

Just a little So-Hyun thought to herself. "Well... But Seonsaengnim what's funny? Why are you laugh-?"

"I like you"



"Should I say it again? I li-" It was her turn to cut him off this time.

"No!" So-Hyun shouted "Seonsaengnim, excuse my rudeness, but could you stop acting like a Psychopath." She stopped speaking when she noticed the shift in his face, his smile now a frown.

"I'm not playing with you. I've liked you from the moment your tiny-self stepped foot into my lecture theatre. If you're wondering why I acted the way I did before, well that's just because I'm professional. Rules are meant to be kept" And just like that his smirk re-appeared.

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