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~Chapter Song: Because of you (by) By2~

A/N Highly recommend this song!! 

The next morning, So-Hyun woke up to a big fat boulder in her stomach. She couldn't even call it butterflies, that would be too gentle, she was feeling nervous and she didn't want to say it was because of Professor Seung-Ho, but then again, she couldn't say it wasn't either.

She felt stupid and tried to shake off the memory of last night by climbing under her duvet.

"I guess I was just a little jealous"

She's realisng for the nth time that climbing under the duvet doesn't magically clear your thoughts away. She screamed internally and pondered on it some more and no matter how she thought about it, she didn't want to believe him. Her mind then wandered back to Jin-Goo. He's the closest thing she has to a friend at this moment, in his own way he managed to sneak his way into her life and she couldn't say she was uncomfortable with it anymore.

She tried hard to convince herself she didn't need friends and she still believes that. But why is it now that at the mere thought of not having Jin-Goo Oppa around does she feel something tug at her heart? Just because he's jealous doesn't mean that he's going to ask you to stop seeing him... So-Hyun-ah it's the 21st century.

You're overthinking things! She chastised herself and froze when her little brother's voice came through the door,

"Noona! Come have breakfast!" He said not even lifting his eyes from his phone.

"Tell mum thanks, but I'm going to go back to sleep. Now leave" she smiled in amusement as he obediently left, eyes glued to his phone. She was exhausted, her silly thoughts wouldn't let her sleep properly last night.

Before she went under her covers for the dozenth time that morning, she got a video call from Jin-Goo and she answered with a smile.

"Oppa!" she said with a morning voice that needed honey tea therapy – stat!

"Wow, you picked up?! Why aren't you sleeping, its 9am!" He teased, and So-Hyun hushed him "Woah So-Hyun-ah you sound cute in the morning- "He said cheekily.

So-Hyun laughed it off, but she still couldn't control that feeling tugging at her heart.

"Why are you quiet? Are you blushing because I called your voice cute?" He teased even more this time laughing "Ooh So-Hyun-ah don't get flattered, this Oppa is a player you can't fall for me" He winked at her.

So-Hyun rolled her eyes. She couldn't control it anymore, the eye-rolls have become automatic since she's reunited with him.

She was thinking about how she couldn't imagine not talking to him like this anymore and she hated that. She should have tried harder to push him away. She knows she's not being rationale, but she can't help it, she can feel it, he's going to leave her just like everyone else has.

"Yah! So-Hyun- "Jin Goo sang trying to get her attention

"Oppa... how long do you think we can be friends for?" She asked still in her train of thoughts "Oppa, I think I want us to be friends for a long time" she confessed not realising her inner thoughts were being heard "I'm scared Oppa, I don't want to be abandoned... I-I don't want to keep losing people" she said breathless still unaware that she was saying this out loud nor did she notice the tears that were running down her face.

"So-Hyun-ah" Jin-Goo whispered "Why...? what's- "He decided to stay quiet and let her cry, he slowly turned his phone over so that the screen became dark.

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