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~Chapter Song: The Rose 'Like We Used To'~

The next few weeks leading up to the final semester were hard for So-Hyun. She barely had any energy to leave the house, but she couldn't give up on her future or her money. Realistically, the amount of money she was spending just to attend University was something she couldn't afford to miss out on just because she was broken hearted.

She was saddened to find out that neither of the places that she applied for an internship had contacted her, but she put it down to the fact that there were a lot of applicants with better specs than she had. There's always second year for all of that.

Luckily, or unluckily for her she didn't have any reason to run into Professor Seung-Ho because she didn't have him this semester, so she never saw him unless she went out of her way to go and look for him, which she never did. She did however, from time to time look out her window at night to check if his lights were on and interestingly enough they were. They were always on as if he was trying to let her know that he was home.

Stop it she chastised herself for thinking about him again.

Whilst she was avoiding one man, she was in search of another. She hadn't seen Jin-Goo for the whole of semester, he wouldn't reply to any of her texts and whenever she tried to go to the English department hoping to see him she never did. She didn't want to believe the thoughts her twisted psyche wanted her to believe. The thoughts that were telling her that he'd left her and that he wasn't going to come back, just like she'd expected. They were whispering to her how much of a fool she was for believing in him, but she couldn't succumb to her thoughts. She wants to trust Jin-Goo, he promised her.

So-Hyun stepped out of her final exam, despite answering the questions to the best of her ability she had the feeling that she had barely passed, and on a normal day it would have stressed her out, but she just didn't have the energy.

"So-Hyunnie" Ga-Young called, placing her hand over So-Hyun's shoulder

"Oh, Unnie"

"I'm not even going to ask how that exam was, look at everyone's faces, I almost broke down in tears!"

So-Hyun gave a small laugh "Agreed."

"Should we have lunch first before going or do you want to eat at mine?"

"I thought you said you didn't want to eat before we go to the ball tonight?" So-Hyun asked giving her friend a knowing look. Not only was Ga-Young addicted to talking, but she was also a complete foodie.

"Ha! After that exam? Screw that, I'm feasting and so are you! Let's go!" She joked, and So-Hyun shook her head as she followed Ga-Young's steps. After persistently talking to Ga-Young they had managed to get a little closer... or so she thinks, she's not too sure how the friendship thing works anymore. They mainly spend time studying or having lunch, sometimes with Ga-Young's boyfriend Ji-Soo, which So-Hyun didn't mind but she always had the feeling like she was a third wheel. Not the usual happy to butt in third wheel, but the kind of rusty wheel that people pity. Even if Ga-Young assured her that wasn't the case, So-Hyun knew what Ji-Soo was thinking.

Doing the things, she used to do with Jin-Goo made So-Hyun feel funny inside, and there were days where she wished she could just stand on top of Seoul where she could see everything and just scream his name so that she could find him. Kind of like where's Wally, but Jin-Goo style... and he would be wearing his favorite grey hoodie and not stripes.

"Did you bring your dress with you?" Ga-Young asked as they slid into her convertible.

"Ah yes, and... no. I left it in my locker... give me five minutes okay?"

My Psychology ProfessorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz