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"Ah... this early in the morning... what is that?" So-Hyun mumbled to herself, eyes still closed, as she felt something wet on her face.

"Ya! Aren't you going to get up?! Don't you have University to go to?" So-Hyun's little brother scoffed, whilst happily pouring water on her face.

"What are you talking about, it's still the weekend, I start tomorrow" So Hyun said, still trying to find a way to get back under her covers and back to sleep.

Her brother scoffed again "Pabo! Today is Monday! Yesterday was Sunday, the day before that was Saturday and Tomorrow is Tuesday – your second day at Universi- ah!" So-Hyun resurrected from her bed and searched for her phone only to confirm that she has indeed woken up very, very late.

"Ya! Why didn't you wake me up earlier, I'm going to be late!" So Hyun cried, caught up in the duvet covers she was once under, wondering why she does this to herself every year.

"Is my body yours? Wake yourself up, noona you're 20 years old now"

"Ah, stop being noisy, leave my room, I have fifteen minutes before I need to leave, let me get ready will you"

"You're welcome" He rolled his eyes and took his cup with him "How do you manage to wake up late every new year that school starts. Mum, she's up!" and he banged her door on the way out.

See, So-Hyun has a habit, or more like tradition now, of not waking up on time whenever the new school year starts. No matter how many alarms she sets, and the earlier she sleeps she just never ever gets up on time. It's a curse really.

"Thank you!" She shouted to her brother as she started brushing her teeth.

In just 14 minutes, she was ready, she didn't really have much time to think about what she was wearing, all she knew was 'can't be late' on replay in her head. She ran downstairs, kissed her mum on the cheek who proceeded to feed her with two spoonsful of rice and spam.

"Be careful, make nice friends and have fun!" Her mother shouted at her back.


"Good morning everyone and welcome to the school of Psychology, I will be your head lecturer for the year Yoo Seung Ho. If you have any issues or questions, ask them now or send me an email later." He walked from where he was in the centre and took a few steps to the right and then directed his body back to the class of students. "But it'll be best if you ask now. I'm a busy person."

His gaze was cold and his body stiff as he took careful steps by his desk. He was young, too young to be an experienced lecturer anyway. He looked cold, like he was strictly there for business.

"Any questions?" He implored. Silence.

With a smirk and a raised eyebrow, he said "Well, how about I get the silly questions out of the way first? Name, Yoo Seung Ho Seonsaengnim* age: 26" at that he heard a few people gasp, but he showed no reaction, it's something he's gotten used to. "There are three things I don't tolerate in my class. Number one, impoliteness. I'm probably similar ages to some of you in here, but that doesn't give you the right to speak anyhow. I'm a teacher and you're all students."

Some of the men in the room shuffled in their seats, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. His presence dominated the lecture theatre.

"Number two, there will be no eating in this class." His eyes turned to the girl in the front with half a cookie in her mouth. "If you came to school to be eating in class you should have gone to a cooking school and not waste my time in the school of Psychology."

"Number three" He continued, "Do not be late. If you're going to be late then stay at home, because I will not accept you. Part of being a student is being organised. If you're not organised how will you cope? You won't. Then you'll come crying to me for extensions and help. Help yourselves first."

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