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~Chapter song: I Wanna Say by Bii~

The next morning, the sound of the birds outside the window woke So-Hyun up from her sleep. With expectation for today's plans she sat up in bed and stretched before checking her phone. It'd become routine to have a morning conversation with Jin-Goo, but before doing so she sent her mum a picture of her morning face letting her know that she was okay. Whilst doing so, she felt a huge sense of guilt overcome her and she wasn't sure how she was going to go about it. She thought of perhaps introducing Professor Seung-Ho as just... well Seung-Ho-ssi. But no matter how she thought about it, by removing the 'professor' bit she'd still be lying to her mother.

"Ah, what is this? What's the point of coming here to relax when you can't even do it properly" She muttered quietly. What's the point of dating if you can't even do it properly? With a deep sigh she flopped back into bed and sent a good morning message to Jin-Goo, she didn't call knowing he must be exhausted from all his exams too.

She then got up and wondered around her room and noticed it had a mixture of antique and modern furnishing. Everything was wood, besides the glass mirror that hung opposite the bed. Her room seemed to be opposite Seung-Ho's, but she wasn't too sure, he'd only told her this was her room last night and nothing else. She wore her most comfortable black pyjama trousers and a blue hoody. She quietly opened the door and pierced her head through and in seeing that what could be Seung-Ho's room was firmly shut, she slowly made her way through the cabin.

As she made her way around, she tried not to make too much noise because it was still early, but to her surprise she saw Seung-Ho in the kitchen, with the same pink apron he had on in his house a few weeks ago. Does he take it wherever he goes? She thought in amusement. She wanted to greet him, but she saw how diligently he worked around the kitchen to make what seemed like breakfast, and so instead of saying anything she stood by the kitchen door and just watched him.

So-Hyun began to daydream about him and was lost in thought that she hadn't realise him walk up to her, until he started to wave. When she came around she was surprised and a little embarrassed.

"What were you thinking so hard about?" He asked with a smile.

You she confessed internally.

"Nothing... Seonsaengnim good morning" she said with ears now red.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" He asked whilst taking hold of her hand and leading her into the kitchen and seating her by the table "I made pancakes for breakfast" he chimed.

"Ah... thank you. I feel bad, all you've done is feed me this whole time" she said shyly.

"I made them because I wanted them, you'll have plenty of time to cook for me in the future" He replied with a wink that made So-Hyun turn away, blushing. "You do like pancakes, right?" He added and continued to flip them when she nodded.

He served So-Hyun's pancakes with chocolate sauce and strawberries placed in the shape of a heart and So-Hyun tried so hard to not to laugh, not because it was funny... okay it was a little funny, but this was all something she was knew to and she wasn't sure how to take it all.

"Thank you" she said cutely before tucking in.

"Is there anything you would like to do today?" Seung-Ho asked.

"Do you not have anything planned?" she replied with a giggle, half teasing him.

"No, I do" he also chuckled, "But I was just wondering if there's anything you wanted to do specifically". He watched as So-Hyun took a sip of her orange juice and looked up to the ceiling as if she was in deep thought.

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