Chapter 3- Eye Level

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I remember feeling Mason waking up and trying to leave the bed with without arousing me. Usually when this happens, I act by best to be a little sleepy head, like when we were younger. That time, however, I don't know what hit me. Anxiety,  worry, and- Fear. That's what crept into my skull. It wracked my whole body I started to sweat like crazy. I couldn't tell what were sweat or tears, and I didn't know why I felt that way. I mean, I guess I was still phased by the night before's horror show, but then Mason came in and...

Mason. That's why I was acting like that. He wasn't protected by anything, or anyone! He could get hurt! I had to be with him, I had to make sure he was safe. No, that wasn't it. He was gone from my side, and I felt so... vulnerable. I needed him with me. Sure, he's my rock, my friend, my angel, but I had grown so much dependent on him. It was almost an addiction. 

Sure he stood up to jerks on the playground who would mock at me, saying, "Christian, Christian, the boy kisser. Had a girl, and then he missed her!" It taunted me for weeks, until Mason finally punched the kid in the balls. The best boyfriend I could ever ask for had just enough bravery as he had looks. But no amount of bravery is a match against the World Government! 

"Christian?" Mason asked, looking back to me with a face and voice of concern. "You're shaking violently." He touched my forehead with a tender touch of his back hand. "And your boiling! Hang on, I'll go get Grandmother.  I may know a way to help bring down the-"

"No!" I interjected. It caught him by surprise. "I don't want you to leave." His cocern visibly grew. "I need you, Mase," I pleaded. That was what made his mind. He grabbed a shirt draped over a chair, slipped it on, and slid right next to me. Not a second later I had embraced him, and i started to sob, staining puddles on his velvet shoulder.

He stroked my hair like he always did whenever I was like that, which had become more frequent. "I'm scared," I whispered. I knew what be would say next, because he said this everytime I mentioned it. 

"Scared of what?"


"Now how am I supposed to help with that? You need to be more specific for me to do my job." The way he says it always makes me laugh. He acts like a therapist dad, both of which were his dreams. 

"Okay," I giggled. Then my fear stuck back. "I'm scared... I'm scared I'm going to lose you!"

Mason thought for a moment. Then smiled. Pulling me off of his shoulders, both hands on mine, he looked right at me a said, "I'm not going anywhere, C. You can count on that." 

"How can I be so sure?" 

"Lee's never lie." Slience. "I look up to you, C. You know that? Everytime I question myself, I look back to you and see the answer right in front of me."

"Really? Because I look up to you! How does that work?"

"I guess we see at eye level." He said, staring at me with those amazing eyes that match his necklace. He slowly pulled me closer, and shut his eyes. I did the same, and in an instant, our lips locked. As I felt the darkness flow out of me, I realized that he was right. He never lied, even accidentally. I had nothing to worry about, a least at that moment. Everything was perfect,  I felt that from then on, as long as I had him with me, we would be safe.

If only I knew how wrong I was.

Mason stroked my hair while I messed with his shirt. Before I could pull it off, we were interrupted by a chaotic crash and cry from downstairs that begged for help. 

Tyler was hurt.


(A/N: Heyo, sorry for the long update. I had seeois writer's block during the entire hiatus. That is how bad it was. Luckily, it's been cured, for the time being, by a d amazing friend and expert puppeteer. That so much, M!

I'll try to update this asap, when I'm not sleep deprived...Somebody help me...😥😥😥)

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