Chapter 1, The Fall of the London Base

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It started out like any other day. Cy and Kevin were on "Supply run", which was really just stealing, Jack and Tyler were keeping everything in order, Matt and David were on survailence duty, Alyssa and Lexi were telling a story to the sleeping Darlene and Rose, Donna and Martha were checking the news and Mason and I were enjoying each other.

"Looks like Houston's Hideout has been found." Martha said.

"I want to punch those bloody idiots in the face!" Donna replied.

"Any mention of Lauren?" I asked hopefully. Marhta shook her head. I hung my head as Mason comfort me.

"We'll find her eventually, Christan" Alyssa reassured me as she tucked Rose in bed. Suddenly Donna and Martha gasped in shock.

"What is it?" Lexi questioned. Martha pointed a shaky finger at the TV. It showed two kids being captured by the Rainbow Killers, and those two kids were Cy and Kevin.

"That's not the only thing bad." Matt said. "They're coming." He pointed to the road, where the blasted Rainbow Killers were coming in their vans.

"Alright, guys, don't panic, just split up in two groups." Lexi ordered. "Jack, Tyler, Martha, Donna, Christan, and Mason, go down to the tunnels. The rest of you, we're going to the Porting dock." It was the last time I saw any of them. We decided to meet back at the base in 2 nights, but it never happened. The Rainbow Killers were waiting at the Port, and they captured the others. The rest of us had to jump down a porthole and run through the Last Tunnels. For a moment, as we were running, we thought that we were all going to make it.

Then Martha tripped. And hurt her ankle. "Go on with out me, I'll just slow you down." The sounds of footsteps and voices were getting closer and closer, and Donna was faced with an impossible descion. It all boiled down what was more important: her life or her girlfriend. She chooses Martha, and we had to drag Tyler away from his two friends. I hate to say it, but Donna saved our lives by her sacrifice with Marhta. The Rainbow Killers never caught up with us because they thought they were the only ones in the tunnels.

After a few turns and twists, we found a ladder leading up to the surface. Tyler volunteered to check if the cost was clear, and when he said the coast was clear, we followed him up the ladder and into a backyard. We could see the warehouse, surrounded with Rainbow Killers. "This is my Grandmother's house!" Mason gasped.

"You mean the one who abandoned your mother and her brother?" Jack asked.

"Marilin and Trevor were terrible children." A voice came from behind us. We all jumped and turned around to see a middle-aged woman with fog-gray, curly hair and a black dress with a white apron. "Grandmother!" Mason cried out. He embraced her while introducing the rest of the Last Ones.

"Mason, are you sure we can trust her?" Tyler asked. He nodded.

"I hope so! Right, Mason's grandmother?" Jack stated. She ignored the suck up.

"And who's the quiet one in the trench coat?" Mason's grandma asked.

"That's my boyfriend. He's really shy."

"He's really cute, that's what" I blushed when she said that and looked at Mason. Then came the explosion. I jumped into Mason's arms out of fear and Jack and Tyler hugged each other with a yelp from both. We all turned where the London Base was. In its place was an explosion cloud. Tyler bursted in tears and Jack hugged him tighter. I buried my head in Mason's head as his Grandmother let a "My word" out.

It was the beginning of my Adventure.

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