Felix| In the Rain

Start from the beginning

You nodded and sat beside him, leaning the umbrella so he could get all the shade. Felix noticed this, groaning slightly at how nice you were trying to be and grabbed your umbrella, putting it so it covered the two of you. "Your umbrella is big enough for the both of us. We can share, okay?" He said with a slight sigh as he stared at you. You nodded respectfully, your eyes slowly making its way to your hand that was covered by his as you both held the umbrella hand in hand. Your smile only grew at the realisation and your cheeks were dusted a light shade of pink. 

"You can talk to me about it. I mean... If you're comfortable with that. Besides, I'm just a stranger and we'll never see each other again, so if telling me your problems will help you, I'll keep it a secret,". 

You felt him grip your hand harder and watched him look away from you for a few seconds. He was embarrassed.

... How cute.

"It was an ex wasn't it?"

"H-hey! How'd you know?!" He asked jumping slightly from the shock. You let out a mischievous chuckle a humoured smirk making its way on your face. "You really are straight out of a K drama aren't you? Next thing you know we'll be singing Almost Paradise," you joked, a sense of satisfaction filling you when you saw a smile tug at his lips. 

"This can't be a K drama, the main character always gets the girl in the end, but here I am talking to a stranger after crying in the rain,". 

You scoffed, rolling your eyes playfully, "Oh please, that sounds like the most cliche K drama plot ever. I mean, what's a K drama without aggressive crying and intense sad music in the background?". Felix let out a bitter laugh looking down at the ground. 

"Besides, who wants to be the male lead nowadays? They are always such bullies, everyone knows the second male lead is better," You stole a glance at the male watching as his eyes widened at your statement. "The second male lead always gets the short end of the stick. They might come from an abusive family, be pressured to get into a good school, have a tragic past, and always have to act like they're fine after the female lead rejects him. I'm tired of seeing the second male lead start with nothing and end with nothing- it just isn't fair. But of course that's just a K drama. In reality it may seem like you were just the second male lead who was wronged his whole life, you may feel like the insignificant kid at the back of the class that only gets five seconds of screen time, or the person the main lead decides to help in one episode. A K drama can only capture so much, it has to end eventually, and sometimes that ending isn't what we wanted. Real life isn't like that. Time doesn't stop when the two leads are happily together. Life goes on, and eventually, that heartbroken second male lead will star in his own drama where he finds the perfect girl and gets a happy ending- we just haven't seen it yet,".

You looked back over at him, sporting your most encouraging smile and watched as he began to tremble. "It's cold..." He whispered as he looked to the ground, his tears spilling uncontrollably as you moved closer to him and rubbed his shoulder letting him know you were here for him. 

"It'll get better..." You whispered back as he cried, squeezing your hand painfully since he had yet to let go of you. You, however, didn't feel the pain. You just continued to smile, whispering encouraging words in the softest and gentlest voice you could muster as you rubbed his shoulder. "It always gets better...".


"She cheated on you?!" You scoffed in disbelief. The still unnamed male had finished his little crying session and had told you about his reason for crying. The rain was still going, however it had calmed down to only a light shower. But at this point it didn't seem that either of you minded the rain or the company.

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