32. Next Stop Birmingham

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Ell's POV

Dark murky clouds swarmed the sky releasing heavy rain which pounded onto the train windows. 

"Next stop Birmingham" the conductor screamed into the train 

That's all i needed to hear before i sat up straight and started to grab my bag from next time me. I was ready to get back into the Birmingham and see everyone that i had missed dearly. Finn oh sweet Finn how would he react to me coming home like this? Pregnant with his child that he had no idea about. All the emotions just hit me at once i didn't know if it was because of the hormones or what. 

"Last call Birmingham" I briskly grabbed my bags and pulled them off of the train and into the the train station i remember ever so clearly. It was quite late when i got there which meant some people will be dead to the world while the other half were getting shitfaced. It was the usual in Birmingham.

Heavily, i dragged my feet through the all too familiar streets that i once called home my bags in tow. Tiredness dominated my body as i roamed the streets trying to find somebody i recognised that was until i stopped outside a pub. The Garrison. Hastily i pushed opened the door only to be greeted by drunken men with their wives and Harry stood behind the bar. 

"Oi Miss i don't think it's a good idea coming in here pregnan... Holy Shit Ell May i thought i'd never see you again" he smiled

"I'm back for good" i laughed "You don't happen to know where any of them are do you?"

"Michael's in there with Isaiah" he declared while pointing to the snug little room. 

"Thanks Harry" 

Without even thinking i barged into the room.

"What the fuck do you think you're doin.. fuck me Ell?" Isaiah said making Michael spit out his drink "The fuck you doing back here" 

"18 now lads can do as i please" they smirked before coming up and giving me an hug each. "Do any of you two know where Finn or Tommy is?" 

"Yeah follow me" Michael said as he stood up only to be followed by Isaiah who very kindly grabbed my bags. After a quick walk down the betting den we made our way inside trying to be as quiet as possible so we could surprise the Shelby family.

"Oh Michael i thought you were heading to the Garrison?" Polly confusingly asked 

"We were but we found something instead" Michael smirked that's when Isaiah walked in with my bags first 

"You found bags?" Thomas asked annoyed

"The bags come with something" Isaiah laughed as he walked towards me pulling me out from behind the closed door. 

"Holy fucking shit."  

"I'm home" I smiled 

Polly quickly jumped up from her seat and ran to me embracing me in a hug who was soon followed by Ada and Arthur. While John and Esme just stared in amazement. 

"You're pregnant" Polly murmured as her hands ghosted over my stretched skin 

"Yep another little Shelby to add to the clan" A soft smile hung on my lips

"It's Finn's" she sobbed "Oh thank you lord" 

"Where is Finn anyways" i cautiously asked while rubbing me hand over my growing stomach.

"He's.." that's when the front door slammed "Here" Thomas muttered

Oooo so i know these are getting boring and bland now but i'm trying haha. Until next time - E :)  


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