2.Help Him Please

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Esme's POV

"Oh Johnny Boy you'll never guess what" i say running into the betting den. "Not now Esme" Thomas sternly spoke. "This is important dickhead" i scowl at him "Go on the what could be more important then a family meeting" Arthur growled back "I'm pregnant" i whispered "What?" John asked confused "I'm pregnant John" I could see that little smirk creep it's way onto his face, quickly he stood up and wrapped his arms around me "Lads i'm gonna be a dad again" he said while laughing and smiling. "Swear you two will never stop having kids" Finn said in a monotone voice  while reaching for his cigs and a lighter. "Congratulations you two but now back to the family meeting" Thomas said.

Ell's POV

Finally the nightmare of a shift had ended. Stomping my feet heavily along the hard concrete pavement carrying my heavy bag full of equipment trying to make it home before it starts to get dark. While on my way back to the convent i heard what sounded like a gunshot and people screaming causing my walk to turn into a quick sprint trying to head back to the convent, briskly pushing open the door and shutting just as quick. I was a sweaty out of breathe mess with my back pressed against the door. "Oh Ell what's the matter dear" Sister Mary came running up to me "There was a bang and then some people was running they looked hurt" i mumbled barely catching my breathe. "I bet it was them stupid peaky blinders" "Who?" "There's this group of men called the peaky blinders, stay away from them they wouldn't think twice about killing you" "oh" is i could say. 

Finn's POV

"For fuck sake Arthur c'mon let's get you home" I said wearily not knowing what move Arthur was going to make next. "Why" the older man shouted at me. "Because you've had too much to drink" "Fuck off Finn" he said aiming his gun at the me trying to scare me "No come on" "No" he shouted back shooting his gun right next to me trying to scare me. Suddenly all the Shelby boys came running out of the Garrison checking out the noise. "For fuck sakes Arthur you need to go home, Linda will be waiting for you" Thomas said. "Fine" the highly intoxicated man mumbled stumbling his way home. "You too Finn Poll's waiting for you to get in oh and Finn will you check on Esme for me make sure she is safe" i nodded my head and slowly made my way home.

"Poll you home" i shouted throughout the home "No but i am" Esme shouted back. Making my way into the kitchen seeing Esme make dinner for everybody "How are you finn, doin' good?" "Fine you, y'know with the baby and all?" "Yeah fine went to the doctors early got every checked out and got paired with a lovely midwife, y'know she didn't look that much younger than you?" "Hmm was she pretty?" "Finn" Esme sternly said "What i'm just curious" "Yeah well.." she was cut off by the phone ringing Esme strutted over to the phone "Hello" " Hi is this Mrs.Shelby this is Nurse May from the doctors clinic early" "Yes it is, can ask why you are ringing" "Well Mrs.Shelby i am ringing to let you know that from now on i will be your Midwife doing you examinations and also delivering the baby when you go into labour" "Oh that's wonderful thank you for letting me know Ell don't tell any of the other midwives but i asked for you personally haha" "Oh thank you Mrs.Shelby i promise to do anything that will help this pregnancy be as smooth as it can for you, just ring the convent or the clinic if you ever need me i will be willing to come out and see you anytime you would like or if you just want to ask a few question just ring me and i'll try and help you the best i can" "Thank you once again Ell i look forward to seeing you again" "You too Mrs.Shelby i shall see you again in 2 weeks i believe" "Alright thank you Nurse May alright goodbye" 

"Who was that?" "That was the midwife why?" "i was just wondering that's all" 

 <Skip to Esme's check up and it is now Ell's POV>

Nothing had happened for the past two weeks apart from me falling more in love with this job, i delivered my first baby the other day it was stressful but 100% rewarding after hearing the cries of the new born filled the room and the loving faces of the parents for when they got to meet their little bundle of joy. Fast forward to the present day where i am making me way down a street called Watery Lane on my way to visit Mrs.Shelby and give her check up. After a lot of walking and asking many different people for directions i found my way to her house. I anxiously knocked on the door begging for it to be Mrs.Shelby when a man answered the door "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing at my door?" the man questioned "I'm sorry sir i must have got the wrong door i was looking for a Miss Esme Shelby you don't happen to know where she lives do you?" The man laughed and said "That's my wife she lives here, who are you if you don't mind me asking" "I'm the midwife sir" Then i heard a loud "Is it Ell if so let her in John" Oh so that's the man Esme was on about at the doctors appointments. He stepped aside allowing me into their house "Lovely house Mr.Shelby" i said while smiling "Thanks" he mumbled back "Esme is through there straight down the corridor" "Thank you" is all i said before i made my way into their kitchen. "Hello" Esme smiled brightly engulfing me in a hug. "Hi Mrs.Shelby" "I've told you Ell call me Esme Mrs.Shelby is too formal"she  laughed. 

<Skip all the questions etc too lazy pahah>

"Everything seems to be doing alright, looks like you are happy and healthy i don't see why there should be any problems" i smiled up at the older woman. Just as i was packing up my belongings and getting ready to leave a young man burst through the door frantically looking for Esme "Esme you need to come quick theres been a fight at the Garrison and Finn is badly hurt" the boy shouted at Esme causing her to panic as well she looked around the room and then her eyes landed on me. "Ell you're a nurse you'll know what to do won't you" "I mean yeah i guess" "Can you please try and help our Finn please" i nodded my head and that's when the young boy grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the pub with Esme hot on our heels. We reached the Garrison a lot quicker than i thought we would have. The young man who i soon learnt was called Isaiah pushed me through the doors i was greeted by men all stood around this boy who was sat in a chair trying not pass out due to blood loss. Isaiah who i didn't know was stood behind me at this point was pushing me closer to the group of men "Yo Tommy we got a nurse" he shouted, a man i am guessing who was Tommy shouted back "Well don't just stand there fucking help him" i quickly made my way over to the younger looking boy sat on the chair covered in his own blood, i quickly took out some Alcohol out of my bag to clean the wounds with. After cleaning the wounds i stitched them up the best i could, bearing in mind this is my first time doing so, finally i wrapped a bandage around the area that he cut open. After helping the young boy i finally got a good look at him and he looked familiar but i just couldn't put my finger on it.. i was brought out of my daydream by somebody wrapping their arm around me "Thank you Ell you've not only helped me but my brother-in-law" Esme laughed i smiled at just because of what she just said but because i was proud of myself for what i just did. "Nurse whatever your name is here" Tommy said to me, handing over a big wad of cash "Oh no sir i can't take this" "You can you deserve it you just saved our brother" "No sir i can't i was only doing my job" i smiled at the older man. He only shook his head and walked off to check on his younger brother. 

"Thank you once again Ell, do you want a drink on the house for saving our little Finn?" Esme asked "No thank you" i declined politely  "Are you sure it's free" "I'm fine thank you i'm not really a big drinker anyways" "You don't drink" she squealed i shook my head no "Well when this baby is born i will have to change that" I just shook my head while laughing "I have to get back to the convent but i will see you again in a few months Mrs.Shelby for you're last check up" I said while standing up and getting ready to leave when somebody pulled my hand back. "Thank you" Finn mumbled "It no problem just doing my job" i smiled back at him. "Hey wait" he said coming closer to me "i could swear i've seen you somewhere else you'd think i'd recognise them gorgeous eyes anywhere" i blushed looking away from him then the penny dropped "I know you, you're that dickhead outside of Mr and Mrs.Shelbys house a few week back" "You're hot nurse with the feisty attitude i knew i recognised you, I'm Finn by the way" he said a cheeky smirk playing on his lips "Ell" i said flatly "Well Ell how about i take you out one day for a drink maybe or something to eat to show you how grateful i am for you saving me" he replied smoothly "I don't drink" "Well how about something to eat in the little cafe down the road and i won't take no for an answer so be ready by 2 on tuesday" and with that he left. 

So chapter 2 is written and ready to be published on the same day as the other one woah the most effort i have put into anything haha. Low-key want to write chapter 3 might do might not ;). Anyways have a good day or night for whenever you are reading this - E :)

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