20.I'm gonna be a dad

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Finn's POV 

Me and Michael were sat in the kitchen smoking while Ell and Polly talked about "girl stuff".

"What do you think they're talking about" 

"No idea" Michael replied just before taking a sip of his whiskey. "The rest of the Shelby's are coming round tonight if you want to join in on the family get together Ell is welcome as well"

"I don't know, i'll talk to Ell about it when she comes back in" 

"Finn" i heard a small sweet voice call from down the hall


"Can you come here a moment please" 

"Hang on" i say while stumping my cig out into the ashtray, eventually standing up and making my way into the room where Ell and Polly are sat. 

"What's up" worry clouded my mind as i saw Ell begin to tear up

"I'm pregnant Finn"

"You're pregnant" i was in shock "I'm going to be a dad, i'm gonna be a dad!" my voice filling the empty room. I quickly grabbed Ell and hugged her.

"My baby is in there" i said as i rested my hand on her stomach. "You're never leaving my side, i'll wait for you after each call at work. i won't let you or this baby down i promise" 

"Mum the rest of the Shelby's are here" Michael called from downstairs

"Right c'mon love birds there's a party happening downstairs, Ell no alcohol understand me"

"Yes Polly" Ell smirked

It had been a few hours and the party was in full swing everyone apart from Me, Ell and Esme were the only sober one left. 

"Ell are you coming to bed?"

"Yeah" she quietly yawned standing up 

"We'll see you lot tomorrow" i mumbled as we walked past Esme.

We carefully stumbled our way up the stairs towards one of the spare bedrooms, tumbling in and laying straight on the bed. 

"I can't believe it a baby of our own" 

"I know" she breathed "We love you Finn Shelby"

"And i love you both too" and that's when we both drifted into a deep slumber

Hey it's me again, i shall warn you all now the next chapter may be quite distressing to some people please don't read it if you are upset easily i just want to spread the awareness and show that this is actually happening out there and it is for a close friend of mine that has been through many. Also i know this is a very tiny chapter but i wanted to get this out of the way so i can right into it so next chapter shall be longer i promise. - Until next time - E :)  

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