6.The Devil Herself.

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Finn's POV

"I want to meet her" the words replayed over and over again making my way down to Ell's house stumbling over my own feet anxiously awaiting her reaction to meeting my family. Finally reaching her house i softly knocked on the door nervously wiping my hands on my trousers to try and dry my hands. 


"It's Finn" 

"Oh hi" She said pulling the door open fully allowing me to see her beautiful face which i had left just a few hours ago. "Would you like to come in for a bit" I just nodded my hand and made my way into the house.

"Ell i came here to talk to you about something"

"Did i do something wrong" Her eyes scanning Finns face for a sign. 

"Oh no no it's just my family want to meet you" 

Ell's eyes opened wide, her breath was caught in her throat not knowing what to say. 

"You can say no if you want to but i mean you have already met some of them already at the Garrison" 

"Okay" the young girl replied confidently standing up to get ready

"What are you doing?" 

"Getting ready to meet your family duh" she said while giving Finn a cheeky smile.

Ell's POV

Hand in hand me and Finn make our way down to the betting shop with each step i begin to panic more. 

"We're here don't worry they'll love you, Esme adores you" Finn said smiling slightly opening the door to the betting den. 

"Thomas, John, Arthur" Finn bellowed into the empty room 

"What's with all the shouting" Esme said coming out one of the rooms soon followed by John with a cheeky smirk laying on his lips.

"Oh Ell i didn't see you there how are you" She said coming up to me and embracing me in a hug

"I'm fine, how about you and the baby i can see you've definitely gotten bigger since i last saw you"

"We're perfectly fine" she said while running her hand along the bump 

"Evening Ell" 

"Good evening Mr. Shelby" 

"Just call me John, i do believe we have met before"

I just nodded 

"John what have i told you about fucking on my des.. who the fuck is that" a tall man with gorgeous ocean blue eyes said while looking me up and down like i was the shit on the bottom of his shoe.

"Ell, Ell May" I said while shaking the mysterious mans hand

"Thomas Shelby" he grunted back, placing the lit cigarette in his mouth.

"Tommy where the fuck is all the whiskey" Another man came in shouting "Is this the girl who has stole our Finn's" he said smirking at me

"Indeed it is" Esme said butting into the converstation

"Poll, you'll never guess who is here" John shouted while running off to find a woman i guess was named Poll or Polly maybe..

And that's when the room became silent an older woman sauntered into the room eyeing me up and down followed by a younger looking man with mousy brown hair.

"Ah so you're the girl who was fucking my nephew last night" 

"Poll" Finn warned 

"I am, he was lovely by the way" Ell confidently answered making the boy who she soon learnt was called Michael spit his drink out and everybody's chatter fell silent listening in on the conversation.

"What the fuck did you just say" Polly said standing up looking straight at the girl

"I said he was lovely" Ell replied cockily 

"I like her Finn" Polly said looking at me with a smile giving me an hug "Welcome to family".  I just smiled at her and hugged her back only to be pulled into another embrace which happened to me a certain Finn Shelby. 

"See nothing to be worried about i knew they'd love you and especially the devil herself, now how about a proper date since the last one got cancelled" 

"I would like that Mr Shelby"

"The cinema tonight 8pm don't be late Miss May" He said kissing my head and with that he left me standing in the middle of the better shop next to a very happy Esme.

"Right you can't be late" she said eagerly "Come on i'll come and help you get ready" Ushering me out of the door and connecting our arms as we made our way through the streets of Birmingham until we reached my house.

"Right come on you have about three house to get ready" Esme mumbled while making her way into my house to go make herself a cup of tea i'm guessing. "You go get washed and freshened up while i pick your outfit" a sweet smile lingering on her lips while looking deep into my eyes. Nodding my head i made my way upstairs and got ready to get in the bath.

Skip the bath because i think we all know what happens while we're in the bath :)

"Wow" was all she could say as i stood their with my little red dress on. "Ell you look amazing" 

"Thank you" a blush sneakily creeping its way onto my face

That's when there was a knock on my front door

Another update just like i promise  - I am very grateful for all of the feedback about this book and the lovely comments thank you to every single person who has read my book so for it is greatly appreciated - E :) 

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