28. That's what family is for

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Finn's POV

There she lays. My beautiful girlfriend, her delicate body laid limp on the cold tiled floor with Ada and Polly kneeling over her. 

"What's wrong with her?" My voice laced with fear and concern

"I don't fucking know Finn" Polly sternly announced back

"What the fuck is going on in here?" a deep voice came from behind us making me jump slightly and turn only to be face to face with Thomas.

"Ell passed out" Ada swiftly answered before anybody could say anything

A loud cough come from Ell which made Polly quickly turn her on her side just in case she was sick again. 

"Yo is there a party going on or something" John laughed but his face quickly turned and showed no emotion when he realised what was happening. 

"Will you all just leave so me and Ada can help her for Christ's sake" Polly bellowed into the big bathroom and with that all the lads quickly scuttled back into the rooms they came from but i still stood there. 

"Finn i've told you go back to bed" Polly said as she became more agitated.

"No Poll i'm staying here with her"

"No Finn.."

"I'm staying"

(Time skip oops :) ) 

Still Finn's POV

Golden rays of the burning ball danced there way through the crystal clear window highlighting the large isolating room. The bed felt unwelcoming without Ell, the sheet's felt icy and uncomfortable. Polly and Ada had moved Ell to Poll's room so at least one of them could keep an eye on her the rest of the night. It was currently 7 am in Birmingham and nobody wanted to move. The house stayed at rest until 8 that's when John came into my room to tell me that everyone was waiting for me in the big room. Reluctantly i pulled myself from the bed sheets and started to get dressed. Finally, after i heave on my last item of clothing i make my way downstairs into the big room where everyone bar Polly and Ell were. 

"It's fucking freezing in here" John moaned "Fuck it i'm going to the kitchen" and that's when he made his way out of the room who was soon followed by everyone else.

Ell's POV 

"Just sit here sweetheart" Polly's sweet angelic voice danced into what was the quiet room 

"I don't feel too good Poll" i moaned 

"You're sick that's why she laughed" and that's when a loud rowdy group of men sauntered there way into the kitchen

"Ah 'ere she is, how you doing then Ell?"

"I'm fine John just sick that's all"

"Are you staying for the next few nights still or?" He cautiously asked  

"Poll said it would be better if i went back home for now until i get better" 

"I'll take you back if you want" 

"Thanks John" 

(Time skip again i'm sorry i can't write haha) 

John steadily drives me back to Watery Lane back to my own home. My comfy bed where i had spent many nights with Finn both good and bad but still amazing. 

"Thanks John" i mumble as he helps me out of the car a warm smile sat upon his face 

"No problem Ell, it's what family is for" that sentence made my heart melt 'Family' they see me as family. I felt many emotions, happiness, joy, loved. Family. We're family. 

Hey it's me again i know i'm sorry :) Apparently some people didn't a notification last night that i uploaded but i did so if you get this one and haven't read the last one i'd recommend reading it so you kind of understand what's going on but anyways i need some help you a guys and gals are amazing with ideas and i want to add them to this story so could you please give me some ideas i promise i'll give you credit haha but thank you for reading and coming along with me on this journey. Until next time - E :) 

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