7.Me Too Sweetheart Me Too

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Ell's POV

Making my way towards the door, i opened it slowly making sure it wasn't Angie and thankfully it wasn't it was a handsome looking Finn Shelby.

"Finn" i breathed out. He really looked lovely 

"Hey" that cheeky smile playing on his lips once again 

"Hey Ell while you're out is okay if me and John chill at yours for a while it's just peaceful here without the kids"

"Yeah of course just no sex in my bed" I said making her giggle 

"Of course not, the sofa will do" she said back making me giggle

"Right Miss May would you like to go on that date" Finn said giving me a sweet smile

"I would Mr Shelby" and with that we was making our way down the street towards to cinema. Finally after getting seated and comfortable we sat there and enjoyed the movie. Occasionally Finn would move his hand further up my thigh making me blush like a little school girl.

(Skip the movie and they are outside)

"Ell you look beautiful tonight" A shy smile lingering on his lips as he moves closer to me giving me a sweet kiss on my neck.

"Mm Finn not here sweetheart"

"Fine" he huffed grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my house. Quickly bursting through the door taking John and Esme by surprise and they try to cover themselves causing me and Finn to burst out laughing and leave them to get dressed. 

"Alright we're decent" Johns hoarse voice called from behind the door. Slowly me and Finn crept into the room dying to giggle both of us.

"You okay there Esme you look a little flustered" i said with a cocky smirk.

"Fuck off" she laughed back

"Speak of this to anyone and i'll both of you're tongues" John mumbled as he walked past "C'mon Esme" and with that they left embarrassed and flustered. Me and Finn just looked at each other a giggled like to little school kids.

"So Miss May how about we nip up them stairs and make a night to remember" and with that we both scrambled up the stairs ripping off different articles of clothing on our way.

(Morning time)

Sunrise warming the room up with it's welcoming colour causing the birds to wake and sing their morning melody. Waking from my deep slumber only to find i am wrapped in somebody's embrace.

"Good morning Miss May"

"Good morning Mr Shelby" i mumble as i turn over to look at the gorgeous man.

"What time is it Ell?"


"Oh god it's so early" Finn mumbled burying his face further into my pillow

"C'mon Finn it isn't that early"

"Mmm" was all i got in return 

"How about we do a little something else to wake up eh" i whispered in his ear making his head shoot up and look straight into my eyes 

"And what things would they be Miss May"

"You'll find out" Smirking slightly at the young boy as he lays back and enjoys the show

"Oh my god Finn" i moaned as i rolled off the top of him "i don't think i'll get bored of it".

"Me too sweetheart me too" he mumbled while snuggling closed to me.

So this is just a filler chapter :) Anyways i was going to write something darker but i thought something cute and fluff would fit better anyways i hope you enjoy your night/day whenever you are reading this - E :)

Finn Shelby - The MidwifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant