27. "Oh Finn"

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Ell's POV

Finn gently grabbed my hand and lead my away into one of Tommy's many spare rooms.

"What is it love?"

"Well.. iwillbeworkingwithyouinthebettingden" i quickly blurt out


"From now on i will be working with you in the betting den" a small smile laid upon his lips 

"So we'll be able to spend more time together" he smirked

"Yes. Yes we will"

"Y'know what that means right? I can fuck you anytime i want" his eyes filled with lust his lips lightly ghosted over my forehead as his hands landed on my hips gripping them tightly as he pulled me towards the desk that stood isolated in the middle of the room. Briskly, he picked me and placed me on the desk.

John's POV

"Oi 'as any of yous seen Finn or Ell because we're heading back soon?" and that's when loud moans could be heard from down the hall which was soon followed by the sound of banging

"Told you they go at like animals" Isaiah smugly said making the boys laugh

"Right well i'm gonna go get Poll and the rest are you lot alright staying her with Tom and the rabbits?" i said making the lads laugh harder 

"Oh Finn" and that was it we were all in tears, our bellies ached from laughing so hard 

Finn's POV

"Fuck, i swear it get's better every time" 

"Enjoying fucking on my desk?" Thomas' voice boomed into room which was followed laughter from Michael and Isaiah the little bastards.

"Yeah we did thanks Tom" 

"Oi you ya little bastard if i catch you fucking in here again i'll have your hands got it?" and i knew he wasn't joking. 

Slowly, we made our way out of the room and into the kitchen were they were all gathered.

"Oh Finn" Michael mocked as he tried to contain his laughter. 

"Haha real funny guys" i say while trying to cover Ell so they couldn't see how embarrassed she is. Thankfully John walked in Polly and the tribe who quickly followed in saving the day. 

"What's going off in here" Polly asked as she stared everyone down.

"Nothing mum, just taking the piss out of Finn and Ell for fucking on Tommy's desk" Michael wheezed out making Polly turn her nose up in disgust. 

(Skip to later that night) 

Everybody had decided that they were going to spend the next few nights at Thomas' house since we all had something to do up here. 

Me and Finn were currently snuggled up in bed, it was earlier hours of the morning and the whole house seemed to be dead to the world. There was often snores coming from the room next to use thanks to Arthur but it wasn't too obnoxious. 

As i lay there wide awake tangled in Finn's arms the feeling of nauseous washed over me causing me to quickly climb out of the bed and sprint to the nearest bathroom which happened to be next to Ada and Michael's room. A loud sound of me vomiting filled the room causing both of them to wake. 

"Ell is that you" Ada asked gingerly as she tip-toed her way into the bathroom who was soon followed by a sleepy Michael and that's when it hit me again another feeling of sickness hit me and i vomited again but this time there was blood. immediately raised red flags this caused Ada to shout for Michael to get Finn and Polly. The poor boy ripped from his slightly dazed sleepy state. Like lightening he set off down the hallway screaming for Polly. 

"Mum! Mum you gotta wake up there's something wrong with Ell" and that's all it took to wake Polly, her eyes snapped open and she shot up out of bed running towards the bathroom while Michael made his way to Finn's room.

"Finn! Finn lad you gotta get up Ell's not well." and just like Polly he was up right away stumbling down the corridor in just his underwear. 

Ell's POV  

Sweat gathered on my forehead as i lent forward to vomit again. 

"Ada i don't feel good" 

"I know sweetheart, Poll's on her way now" her voice was soft as if she was trying to calm me down.

The room began to spin as i felt another wave of sickness hit me and that's when it happened the world turned back.


Another update whoop whoop haha. I have really enjoyed writing this story but i'm running out of idea's on how to carry it on but i promise i will not leave it like this i would like to get it past 50 parts at least. I would like to say a massive thank you for the 9k plus people who have read this story, you guys and gals rock! Until next time - E :) 

Finn Shelby - The MidwifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora