Chapter 1: The Greeting

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Chapter 1: The greeting

As the sun began to rise just over the horizon the sound of an goes alarm clock soon wakes a sleeping teenage male. Adam groans and presses the snooze button. Adam then swings his legs over to the side of the bed but, before he leaves the bed he looks over to the empty right side. Seeing how the pillows and blanket were perfect the desire of sleeping with another is what Adam yearned for. 

"Come on Adam you need to go to school," I thought to myself. I put on some school clothes and slung my backpack on my shoulder then out the door I went. The door slammed shut behind me. I walked to the bus stop which was only a few houses down from my own on the entrance of our street. I assumed my everyday spot, leaning against a telephone pole waiting for the bus. I put my headphones in and I listened to my new song on youtube "New World". I had worked really hard on recording and producing the song so I enjoyed the song by listening to it at full volume. The next thing I knew there was someone else walking toward the bus stop.  This new kid was wearing a dark grey sweatshirt and some long navy blue jeans. I could also see a green glowing headset around his neck. I looked back down at my phone going back to enjoying my song. A few minutes the song soon faded and a tap on my shoulder interrupted my song searching. I looked up and saw the new kid in front of me.

" yes..."? I said with a slightly annoyed tone to my voice.

The what seemed to be a younger teenage male looked up and I saw his amber-red eyes staring at me. Part of his hazel brown hair cascaded down the left side of his face.

" I'm new to the neighborhood and I don't know when the bus comes," he said shyly as his shoes scratched and kicked at the gravel on the sidewalk as if it was a nervous tick he had.

"It will be here shortly"  I answered. 

I looked down at my phone and saw the time was 6:14 a.m. With my gaze looking up and down the road I soon spotted the bus start to come toward our bus stop. With the sight of the bus, one thought came to my mind at that moment "Hey where is Jerome and Mitch". Just after the thought, The people who were on my mind came sprinting down the street at a remarkable speed. The two figures soon took shape from blobs of color to two male teens. These two people were my best friends from childhood. Mitch and Jerome. The guys just barely made it to the bus and were both out of breath. I just looked at them and chuckled. They glared at me for a moment then they joined the laughter too. I sat in my seat towards the back of the bus. I sit alone usually but today the red-eyed brunette stood again stood in front of me. I could see the question in his eyes.

"May I sit with you sir.?" he asked politely.

 With my generosity being super high I nodded to his measly question and pulled my book bag into my lap and my phone in my pocket. The brunette soon sat down and I thought I might as well introduce myself to the new kid in the neighborhood.

" Hey I'm Adam," I said to him. At first he seemed surprised by my introduction but he then smiled softly before he shyly introduced himself

"I'm Tyler you can call me Ty," he said. And with introductions completed the bus began to trudge along kicking up dust behind us. Next stop, School


Thanks for reading my first chapter of Angel + Demon (Skylox fanfic) I hope you liked it sorry for any errors. Please let me know in the comments what you would like to see in the story in future chapters thank again 




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