Question 26: ................

101 7 3

Star: *watching Ash set up a tea set on a table* Adami, did you make sure to hide pretty much everyone?

Adami: Yeah, everyone but Yugo, you, Ash, and myself... Why is Qilby coming here again?

Star: Gamerartist579 asked a question and I intend to get an answer.

Qilby: *walks in* I'm here, what do you want?

Yugo: *has to be dragged into the room by Adami* If he tries to kill me it will be whoever asked this question's fault!!

Qilby: *trying reeeeeeaaaally hard not to strangle Yugo* What is the question anyway?

Star: *clears throat* It was asked how Yugo and Qilby would react to people Shipping.....

Ash: *drumroll for dramatic effect*

Star: Yugo and Qilby.

Qilby: What does shipping mean again?

Yugo: NOPE! *leaves through portal*

Star: It means people think you would make a good couple with Yugo.

Qilby: I'm over a thousand millennia older, he's basically my brother, and WE HATE EACH OTHER!

Star: Simplify the answer please.

Qilby: I'd rather go back to the White Dimension.

Star: Then back you go!!!! *Shoves Qilby into portal*

Question and Answer With: The Brotherhood Of The Tofu!Where stories live. Discover now