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Okay because I lost my clipboard to someone sneezing *fake cough* Adami *fake cough* 

"I said I was sorry!"

You burnt my clipboard! *points at pile of ashes*

"I sneezed!"

Anyway, I've got my tablet, and a question fooooor, YUGO!!!

"What?" * walks in*

Raketenwolf wants to know: What're all your powers, and can you show us?

"Sure..." *summons portal* "I think everyone knows about this one," *shoots lasers out of portals* "and this one." *summons sword and shield.* "I can summon any weapon I want, as well as a shield, uh, I'm best with a sword, it's the first one I ever summoned..." *summons several different weapons one at a time.* "I can also look through what Ad and I call, Wakfu-Vision."

"Only you call it that Yugo."

Not true, I call it that too.

"Anyway, I can look at people's Wakfu, I can use it to tell if someone's a good person or not." *looks at Star through Wakfu-Vision* "Star, though you blackmail Adami a lot, you look like a good person."

Why thank you.

*gives Yugo a look that obviously means 'Dude stop hitting on her'*

"Another is I can go through portals reeeeeeeeally fast, like when I was fighting Nox... I haven't even learned all of my powers yet... But yeah, that's all of what I can think of right now."

Thank you for telling us Yugo! And thank you Raketenwolf, for giving us so many Questions and Dares!

"Who's she talking to?"

"No clue."

Question and Answer With: The Brotherhood Of The Tofu!Where stories live. Discover now