Dare 25: Hey Kiekiel, Hi Larésha!

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Heyo! I was dared to have KiekielTheEliatrope's OCs, Kiekiel The Eliatrope and Larésha The Dragon. Soooooo *opens portal and drops Kiekiel and Larésha into the room* Hey Kie, Hi Larésha!

*comes into room eating a burrito (how many burritos have you eaten... Oh wait, I stole the last one...)* "Oh hey Kie."

"-Don't call me Kie!-"

"You let her call you that."

"-That's because..... It's none of your business!-" *-drops Nick through a portal-*

"~Kiekiel calm down~"

"-I am calm.-"

Okay, Kie. How about you go hang out with Yugo.

*walks into room with Anora.* "Hey Larésha"

*~blushing~* "~Hi Adami.~" (hey that rhymed.)

"_Hi, I'm Anora, Yuki... Er Star's sister_"

*puts arm around Anora*

"~I'm Larésha, I'm Kiekiel's sister.~" *~Trying really hard not to shout~*

"_It's nice to meet you_"


*- walks into room-*

Hey Kie *working on Wattpad*

"-Hey Star."

Question why do you let me call you Kie?

"-.......... Because.-"

Because why?

"-Because I can-"

Did you know that Sadidas spelled backwards is Sadidas

"-Tacocat spelled backwards is Tacocat.-"

Everyone knows that.

"-I know.-" *-looks over Star's shoulder-* "-Whatcha working on?-"


"-are you working on the sequel to Not Who You Are.?-"

Yes. I'm working on Return.

"Hey guys." *walks into room with two burritos* "Star I brought you a burrito so you wouldn't steal mine."

Thank you *takes burrito.*



Do you guys hear that?


*runs into other room and comes back* Anora and Larésha were fighting over Adami.


"-Makes sense-"

"Hi." *walks into room*

Oh Ash I didn't know you were here. Guys this is Ash




"-What the?-"

"^Ash is mine!^"

Sky. Go back to your books.


Kie isn't after Ash. Now go away.

*^Le puppy dog eyes^*

Dang it Sky! Fine you can stay.

"^Yay!^" *^glares at Kiekiel^* "^Im watching You punk^*


Well that's all for now! Remember to leave dares and questions in the comments! :)

Question and Answer With: The Brotherhood Of The Tofu!Where stories live. Discover now