Dares 23 & 24 & 25 : Well, this is gonna be akward...

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*Wondering what the dare is* Hmmm *picks up multicolored clipboard* KiekielTheEliatrope, are you trying to get me killed? *Sighs* I'm sorry but... Uh... I have a uh.... Sore throat... And uh... I don't want to get Yugo sick.... Yeah.... Uh okay.....  And if I hug Amalia she'll kill me. We all know that.

"_Yuki... Er Star, don't lie to the people._"

.... You know nothing! *runs away dramatically fast.*

"So wait, what was the dare?"

*_Looks at clipboard_* "_She has to kiss you and see Amalia's reaction, as well as hug Amalia, both are from the same person, and she's not allowed to refuse the second one._"

"So she's gonna refuse the first one?" *slightly sad*

"_She claims to have a sore throat, but she was just fine before she read the dares._"


"What's that sound?"


"_I don't know._"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh *falling out of sky, because she tried to do the dare where she had to hug Amalia and Amalia used vines and threw Star.* HHHHHHeeeeeeelllllllppppppp!!!



*Catches Star.*

You two are gonna make me do the dare aren't you.

"_Well I am._"

*Red in the face.*

*redder then red in the face.*

"_They never said how long you two had to kiss._"

Y-Yeah, but they said that they wanted to see Amalia's reaction.

"My reaction to what?"

*_Le evil shipping smirk_* "_Do the Dare Star._"

*quickly kisses Yugo on cheek.*

*vines. Lots of vines. All trying to kill Star.*

*summons wakfu shield to block all the vines.* "Amalia."


Do you need a hug, because us hugging was also a dare.

*nods and hugs Star* "I'm sorry I tried to kill you... Twice."

It's okay, plenty of people go crazy when it comes to this sort of thing. Besides he told me, part of why he chose me was to get you to see what it felt like when you kiss Ed Oropo and came close to marrying Heirberg.

"Star! You said you wouldn't tell her!"

You told a teenage girl a secret. That's not going to end well ever.

"She has a really good point."

*sighs* "I'm sorry Amalia."

I'm the one you used to get her to see how you felt!

"Sorry I almost got you killed Star."

It's okay. Now. Time for my ship to sail once again. *scribbles some words onto clipboard* Yugo you must kiss Amalia, because I just dared you to.



*kisses Amalia.*

*kisses Yugo.*

YAAAAY MY SHIP IS SAILING AGAIN!!!!! *takes photos of Yugo and Amalia*

*walks into room*

Hey Ad when did you get here?

"Just now, what happened?"

Shipping, that's what.

"_Lots of shipping._"

Yumalia shipping to be exact.

*still doesn't know what that means*

*walks in with a ghost pepper sauce covered burrito* Hey guys

*tries to steal burrito*

"NO MINE!" *runs off*

BURRITO!!!!!! *chases Nick*

*runs into wall*

*takes burrito* Victory is mine! So is this burrito *Walks away as she eats the burrito.*

*sad.* "My burrito."

"_Wait a minute, Star are you still wearing your hat?_"

Yes. It's very comfy. *eating burrito*

"I think she looks nice in it."

Thank you Yugo. And thank you for the dares KiekielTheEliatrope.

"_Yeah, thanks._"

"Who are they talking to?"

"No clue."

"I don't know."

Question and Answer With: The Brotherhood Of The Tofu!Where stories live. Discover now