Dare 55: Uuuh, Voodoo Elio? Why?

119 1 5

Star: Uuh, Elio wants to use Voodoo on her Adami.

Adami: not on me, on another reality's Adami right?

Star: Yes.

Adami: okay, I'm good.

Elio: I have a voodoo doll of you too Ad.

Adami: I swear if you use that thing on me I will set you on fire.

Everyone: *sits on the floor*

Elio: *holds a lighter under voodoo doll*

Elio's Adami: *from another room* WHY IS MY TAIL ON FIRE?!

Elio: Heh heh heh.

Star: Why do I let her bring those here?

Elio: *pokes  voodoo doll in the stomach with a pencil*

Elio's Adami: *from another room, suddenly feels like someone just punched him in the gut* oof what the crap? *pokes head into room* ELIO I SWEAR! *spits fire at Elio*

Elio: *yelps and runs* BYE GUYS!

Star: Bye Elio!

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