Dare 22: Star, Wear you Eliatrope hat for a day (yes I know I just dared myself)

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"Star, what's in this box?" *holding hat box*

That's where I keep my hat.

"Your Eliatrope hat?"

Yep. It's black with green swirls.

"Can I see you wear it?"

I kinda was going to get it when you asked me about it. I dared myself to wear it for the whole day.


*laughs a little and pulls on hat.*

"Hey! The hat matches your shoes."

*growls at Star while entering the room*

Nice to see you too Amalia. *Rolls eyes.*

"_Yuki! Er Star! Guess what!_"

What? Did you do something stupid?

"_I always do something stupid, remember that prank from our tenth birthday?_"

Ugh, how could I forget?

"_Well, Adami said he wants to help me do a similar prank._'

You notice our tenth birthday, even though we didn't age, was thousands of years ago right?

"_Well yeah, but I love pranking people, especially you, remember the bucket of Ice water?_"

Yes. I will never let you forget that.

"_So many pranks that day_" *_sees Eliatrope hat_* "_Oh hey you're wearing your hat._"

Took you like twenty minutes to notice.


Oh no. *tackled by Ash*

"Kitty." *fudging braids Star's hair*

Okay. Yu- Yugo what're you doing?

"Nothing." *on Star's Wattpad*

Get off my Wattpad

"I was just reading Dear King Yugo,."

Where are you?

"Last chapter, nice ending my the way."

Yeah, I had to have Adami think that.

"Had to have me think what?"

In one of my stories, you were shipping Yugo and Amalia, so at the very end I had you think 'My ship has sailed'.

"Great ending Star." *SaRcAsM*

I had to. It was funny.

"What's this?"

Which story?

"We're Inseparable, The Story Of Yuki the Eliatrope and Anora the Dragon."

Don't read it.



"Because why?"

Because I said so.

"Why'd you say so?"

"Because she's having Adami date Anora in it, and her OC has a crush on you and you have a crush on her OC. At least in the story."



*runs off to go hide in a hole* Okay, we still need questions and dares, also if you want you can read We're Inseparable, The Story Of Yuki the Eliatrope and Anora the Dragon. Yes it is an OC x Yugo. The real action doesn't start until about chapter six. Which I haven't even started to write yet (as of June 20, 2018).



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