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I found myself stumbling through the hallway, trying to get to the kitchen. I've felt like it took me forever to reach it. I stop at the entrance, leaning against the doorframe, trying to catch my breath.
Both of the men look my direction. In just two steps, Jungkook is next to me, lifting my head with his hand. Gently.
" What happened? Are you ok? You're pale and shivering? " - he showers me with questions.
" I saw someone outside the window. " - I manage to say. He grabs me, moving me to sit on a barstool next to Michael.
" I'll go check it out. You two stay here." - he says while taking a baseball bat behind the counter. As he opens the front door, the wind enters the room. I shiver. He disappears behind the door.
" What in the hell? Did you saw someone? Shit. That's strange. No one can't approach the property without being noticed... But, with this storm outside" - a sudden loud sound from outside, of something crashing, cut off his monolog. We both jump off our chairs. Without thinking I make my way towards the door. Jungkook... Oh, please, don't let anything happen to him. Michael grabs me by the arm. I stumble back. He pulls me back, closer to him. We hear footsteps in front of the door. Michael tightens his grip, pulling me closer to him. The door starts to open. Slowly. Like the person behind it is taking his time. Michael moves in front of me as he grabs a frying pan from the counter. He makes his way towards the door. I'm glued to him, following him every step of the way.
A tall person in a raincoat enters the room. He has a hood on, that half covers his face. It's not Jungkook. I have to go find him... I have to... Michael swings the frying pan his way. It misses his head by an inch.

" Woooaahhhh!!! What kind of a welcome this is?! Damn. Jungkook almost snap my head off with the bat and now you with, nothing less than a frying pan! You know those are used for cooking, not banging innocent visitors. Not that I expect you know anything about cooking Mike. " - he says, as he takes off his hood. Rain dripping off it on the floor. I don't recognize him. Dark short hair, with a couple of grays on his sides, dark brown eyes, flawless facial features. His lips being the center of it.
He smiles.
" Jin! Shit, you scared the big Jesus out of me. Come here!" - Michael almost screams in excitement as he hugs the beautiful man, barley able to wrap his arms around his broad shoulders.

" Wait. Weren't you all supposed to come tomorrow ?" - Michael asks as he lets go of him while putting the frying pan back on the counter.
" Yeah, we were. But Namjoon and I managed to get the tickets for today. So we packed, barely got to the airport on time, and one flight after, here we are. If I knew this kind of a welcome was awaiting me, heh, I'd think twice. " - he says, with a teasing smile across his lips, as he takes off his raincoat, hanging it on a wrack next to the door.

" Where's Kookie? " - Michael asks as he looks to the closed doors.
" He's helping Namjoon with the bags. They'll be here soon. " - he says while directing his attention my way.

" You must be Mr. Kim I presume? " - he asks as he makes his way towards me, raising his hand.
" Taehyung, please. Yes. Please to meet you, Sir. " - I reply as I accept his hand and shake it.
" Oh. No, no. None of those formalities here. We're all family here. Jin will be just fine. " - he says with a smile on his face, while lightly squeezing my hand. With a loud bang, doors open again. Jungkook enters holding two huge suitcases in his hands, and the baseball bat under his right arm. Another man follows after him, with three, smaller, bags, also wearing a raincoat that covered him completely. They put the bags down, close to the door, and make their way to the kitchen.
Jungkook enters first, while another man stayed behind to take off his raincoat, hanging it next to the door.

" You could've helped Jin. Not just disappearing like that. Joon and I had to drag all those by ourselves. " - he says playfully, while gently bumping his shoulder, and casually landing his free hand against my back, as he stood next to me.
" I was traumatized by your bat waving into my face, and then this baboon almost squished my beautiful face with a frying pan. " - he says while demonstrating him avoiding imaginary swings his way. Both men laughed out loud.

The Most Beautiful Moment In Life Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon