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Kim Taehyung. I finally have a name that goes with the face - I smile to myself. I take a glass out of the covers and make my way to the fridge...
The first time I saw him was days ago.

He took a photo of me. That got my attention. I was 50 feet away from where he was standing, but there was something about his presence that just got my complete attention. I can't rationalize it. After he took that photo, his attention was taken away by a small pup that showed next to his feet out of nowhere. His interaction with it was freaking adorable, he had the biggest smile on, I've never seen an adult behave so honest, with such innocence, almost childlike. I was memorized. I found myself getting off my boat while casually putting on my shirt without buttoning it up. I was just a couple of feet away. I stop. He doesn't notice me at all, still completely into his cuddling with the pup. He lifts his face slightly. A sudden feel of electricity rushed all over my body. His hair glowed, almost like pure gold, under the sunshine. It was covering his forehead, reaching just little under his thick eyebrows. His eyes were light brown, probably cause of the Sun, they had some kind of shine reflecting out, the pure love was written all over them. They were hypnotizing. The perfectly straight nose was embraced by pulped cheeks that were structured off from the sharp, molded jaw. Then the lips. Oh, the lips. So perfectly shaped for kissing, caressing... He just bit his lower lip. I sigh at the sight of it. I was surprised by my reaction. As he let his lip escape the teeth hold, it shined, slightly wet, and swollen. I never wanted to kiss someone so badly in my life. The sensation of euphoria filled me up. I need to meet this man, I need to make him part of my life one way or another.

"Dr. Jeon?" - I hear my name. In a low voice, I curse. I was so eager, that I was irritated by the sudden interruption of my attention.

"Yes?" - I say politely as I turn.
"Oh, it's you, Mrs. Smith. " - I force a smile realizing it's my colleague's mother. Nice old lady, which I liked a lot, but can be very talkative at times.
"I thought it was you. " - she states with a bright smile on her face.
"Yes. I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude, but I'm in a rush, I have to go. It was nice seeing you, but if you don't need anything, I have to go. " - I've said, with a slight smile on, while bowing in apology.
"Oh, it's nothing dear. I just wanted to say hello. You go on with your... Work?" - she asks, which I completely ignore giving her one more smile with a nod. As she was walking away, I turn back to the man..... That was no longer there!!!! Where did he go?! How... Like what the...... Ohhhhhhhhh.....
I couldn't believe my luck... First time in years... Oh, who am I kidding? First time in my life I was swept off my feet just by a simple presence of a man who completely overtook my whole being... and now... He's gone...

I smiled while taking a water bottle out of the fridge, opening it, and pouring chill water into the glass. He is here now. On my boat, laying on my sofa, in need of my help. I've worked hard to get him here, and I'll be damned if I let him go. I can see he's troubled, he's obviously not well. It's also my duty to help him. - I say to myself as I get back to the cabin, holding a glass of water. He's gone. No ones there.
"Oh, you got to be kidding me!!! He's gone again!? I can't believe it!" - I scream out. What in the actual fuck was going on? This is the second time he ran away from me, I don't understand it.

I did notice he was holding back tonight, a lot. But I didn't miss his stares under the eye. He thought I didn't notice. But I did. It was obvious he enjoyed my company as much as I did his, but he was constantly trying to cover it by being formal with me. I wonder why... Oh, I'd be damned if I let this one slide. He probably went back to his hotel. I'm going there and demand the explanation and dragging his ass to the hospital. He's in no condition to wander around like that, alone... I froze at the thought that something bad might have happened to him on his way back. The flashback of that evening when he collapsed and almost drowned strikes my mind like a fired arrow.

The Most Beautiful Moment In Life حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن