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" Jimin Jeon! Are you insane!!! It has been a whole week you knowing Taehyung's whereabouts and you haven't told anyone! Do you know what all of this is doing to Jungkook!? He is blaming himself!
He doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, he became a shadow of a man he was! What the hell were you thinking Jimin? " - Namjoon shouts out through the phone so I had to pull it away from my ear.
" Is this the reason you were not coming back all this time? You were with him? " - he asks, a little calmer, but still anger present in his voice.

" Hyung I am so deeply sorry, but I didn't decide on this lightly. Tae was in a bad shape, lost a lot of blood, and Jung Haneoul was still at large. It was dangerous. Taehyung was in protective custody. It also wasn't completely only my decision, but I did agree that the best would be to lay low and hold back all the information about Taehyung from everyone. " - I bite my lip as the half-truth slides out of my mouth... I wanted to be alone with him. Selfishly, I wanted him only for myself. I feel disgusting over it.

" How is Teahyung now? Where is he? " - Namjoon asks.

" He's recovering nicely from his injury, but... But he still hasn't regained his consciousness. Doctors aren't really sure why. I'm telling you this cause tomorrow he will be transported to the hospital where we are expecting few experts in neurosurgery to check out his case. Also, Jung had been apprehended this morning. " - I say, almost in one breath, feeling nervous.

" He hasn't woken up yet? What do you mean? How, like... What did the doctors say? You should have told Jungkook from the beginning, he is the best doctor on this island, and more. You know that... This is not... " - I cut his monologue

" Hyung, you know they wouldn't let him treat him. He is his boyfriend. I tried to persuade them, but they didn't allow it. You will tell him tonight. He can see him tomorrow. " - I finish with an almost broken sigh...

" Jimin. I'm sorry. "
" Hyung, no. Don't..."
" It hasn't even crossed my mind how all of this has been affecting you. It couldn't be easy. Torn between your job, baby brother, and the only man you ever loved. " - I almost choke on my saliva hearing those words said out loud.

" I might not be around as much as I was before, but I do pay attention. I do keep an eye on my brothers, and I listen. I know Jimin. I always did. I also know how broken you were after he disappeared. But I am proud of you how you have been dealing with all of this. "
".........." - I try to calm my breathing.

" Jimin? "

"Hyung... I... I appreciate... I'm...."

" It's ok. It's only between us. Just please remember, you can talk to me. Don't keep it all buried. You can always talk to me, you know that, right? " - Namjoon says with a soft voice.

" Of course I do Hyung. Thank you. " - I say as I feel a lump forming in my throat.

" I have to go now. I have a lot to organize for tomorrow. I'll call you as soon as we are ready for the transfer." - I quickly say.

" Ok. Don't worry. This is good Jimin. You got Jung in custody, and Taehyung is going to be fine. " - he says sounding almost cheerful.

" You're right. Say hello to the guys for me. See you soon Hyung. Bye. "

" Bye Jimin. " - he hangs up.

I throw my phone on the nearby sofa like it's gonna burn me. I sat down holding my head between my hands, trying to ignore the upcoming headache. How the hell things got this messed up? So complicated. I start pacing up and down the room. This is all for his good. I can't lose that fact out of my sight. I can't bail out now. I lean onto the doorframe, the sound of his breathing instantly calms me down. The nurse left some time ago. Still, I didn't dare to enter the room. I come closer to his bed, sitting next to him and laying my hand, lightly, across his forehead, convincing myself I'm just checking if his fever is down.

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