Bloody Possessive

Start from the beginning

"You know what, you're too stubborn and I don't think you will accept anymore gifts from me today. But just know that, I'm here for you, alright? Always."

"I know." I say, changing the topic to the necklace by gazing at it around my neck.

"It's nice. I like it."

"See? You never do anything for yourself, Krithi. I love you for that and more."

I smile at him, suddenly shy.

Everyone was starting to dance. Some even had glasses of alcohol in their hands, while they danced sloppily.

"Wanna dance?" I ask Aniket.

Aniket laughs at my question. "You read my mind."

"Oh, now I have the power to read minds!" I say, grinning foolishly.

"I like this song." Aniket says, referring to the song playing.

I hum along with it, putting my arms around his neck. I was lost in thought, so I didn't notice that we were the center of attention. Literally. There was a spotlight on us and everyone surrounded us, cheering us on.

I get away from Aniket's embrace, only to be pulled back in. My neck warms at the thought of all these people watching my intimate moment with Aniket, but it passes as I start moving to the beat.

Everyone goes back to dancing, except a few people, who are watching us carefully. I feel like I'm being targeted. No, not me. Aniket. There were men in the room watching my husband. Shady men.

They were dressed in a low class suit, all black. I spotted one at the bar, at the auction, in the entrance, one at the washroom, and one dancing with a woman beside us.

He doesn't notice that I have noticed. So there's still time.

I lead Aniket away to the one place without any stalkers. The food table.

Aniket probably thinks I'm starved, so he lets me lead him, laughing at my presumed hunger.

Once we arrive to the food, I control my urge to eat, and face the other way, just in case the stalkers tried to attack my Aniket.

The one dancing with the woman notices that Aniket and I exited the dance floor, so he leaves the woman hanging, and strides towards the table.

"Aniket, hear me out. There are people here, they are watching us. You, specifically. We have to get out."

"What? I thought they were bodyguards."

"So you noticed?"

"They haven't exactly been inconspicuous."

"I know." Before I could say anything else, the man had already reached us. He pulls out something silver from his pocket, and I block Aniket with my body.

I twist the man's hand, extracting the knife from his hands, and turning it so that his arm will lead him to kiss the ground. I place my foot on his back, making it impossible for him to get back up.

Two other stalkers rush up to us, and everyone has noticed by now and retreated to the back of the room.

Once one man reaches close to me and raised his hand above his head to shove me out of the way, I backhand the knife to his head. He faints to the ground, bleeding from his head.

I hadn't noticed the other man, but Aniket was brawling with him at the moment. Men!

I hit the guy with my newly acquired knife on the back of his head, and stick two fingers to the side of his neck, finding a pressure point. The man also faints, conveniently beside Aniket. Aniket gets up, mumbling something close to, "show off."

I smile at him, and in my peripheral vision, I see another idiot running towards us. I kick him in the stomach, and the guy kneels over. Heels do come in handy in combat.

I see some blood on my heels, so when another comes in the same direction, I take it off quickly, and dispose it by throwing it at him.

Bullseye. Literally. I hit the bull of a man in the eye.

I count the men sprawled on the floor. I was standing on top of one guy, who was struggling to get back up. I knocked out two, and the other one was a few feet away, clutching his eye in pain.

That was four out of five.

There was one more.

Suddenly, I see the last one was a few feet behind Aniket. He pulls out a silver gun out of his back pocket, and aims it at the back of Aniket's head.

Everyone is clearing out at the sight of the gun, screaming while pushing and shoving each other through the exit.

I shove Aniket away, and using the momentum, taking his place in the process.

I hear the click of the safety, and I'm suddenly on the ground, as the bullet pierces my collarbone. One inch away from my heart.

Aniket hollers, giving out a cry before sprinting near to the man with the gun stupidly, and punching him in the face. Repeatedly. Aniket wrenches the gun from the mans' hands and has it pointed at him, taking out the safety.

I shriek at Aniket to put the gun down. But before he could do anything, the man that I first hit gets up, and tackles Aniket. The other man I hit with my heels, comes out of his daze and quickly follows.

My collarbone aches and stings around the bullet wound, but I pay no attention to the pain. I've been fighting for years, pain is natural to me.

But the bullet wedged in my body feels alien, as if I've gotten stung by hundreds of bees on one spot simultaneously.

I ignore the sting and the bleeding and try to get up. I'm suddenly dizzy and I give up, groaning as the blood gushes out of my chest.

"Krithi!" He yells, as the two men bind Aniket's hands, pushing him out the other exit.

He struggles to be free, but the bull man pounds Aniket's head, which makes him silent.

They usher him out and the bull man turns, shooting me in my ankle.

I black out.

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