please come back.

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why'd you have to go? why'd you have to leave me? i keep trying to get over you. it always comes back to you. everything comes back to you. why'd you have to hurt me? i thought i could trust you. i miss your "hey"'s and your constant need to ask me if i was okay. i miss your pleas for me to tell you what was wrong. i miss feeling secured by the thought of you holding me. i miss everything you had to offer. i wanted to be your best friend. i wanted to be more. i wanted you to stay. we talk sometimes, but never how we did before and it hurts. i miss waking up to a text from you with one of the silly names you called me. i miss you telling me i'm cute when i feel gross. i miss you helping me through anxiety attacks. you were my rock. i thought you were my soulmate. why'd you have to leave? after all of our i love you's? after all i could talk about to my friends was you? i want you here like before. i've lost so many friends being caught in the thoughts of you. i'm not over you. i'm in love with you. i want you back. i need you back. please come back.

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