"Never mind, let's just go." She said, opening the door. Which surprisingly was unlocked. I was about to follow her out when she immediately jumped back and slammed the door. "Shit! Quick hand me those chairs!" She ordered. I didn't ask questions, I quickly handed her one of the chairs, which she wedged under the door handle. Loud thumping started sounding on the other side of the door. We both stood frozen for a couple of seconds watching as the chair and door both rattle against the force trying to come through the door.

"Out the window.....?" I asked, as it became apparent our makeshift blockage was not going to last long.

"Yeah!" Amy said quickly, pushing me as we both scrambled for the window.

We simultaneously reached the window at the same time and threw it open and began pushing and shoving to be the first one out. Somehow even though we were both trying to squeeze in the window at the same time, we both manage to get through and remarkably landed on our feet. There was no thought as we ran. We just ran, both trying to outrun the other, and neither of us looked back. We just need to get far away from our kidnappers. White noise sounded in my head again almost making me stumble, but I didn't stop. There was a rule that me and Amy firmly believed in when it came to running away.; I don't have to be fast, I just got to be faster than you. And we were definitely trying to out run each other. There wasn't any trail for us to follow. No signs that could tell us where we were. There was just trees as far as the eye could see. The only thing that hindered us from continuing our mad dash for freedom was running right off a very steep slope, like the ground just decided to drop suddenly. I tried staying upright as tried to find our balance during the sudden dip in the ground.

"Ow!" Amy dropped to her knees suddenly.

"What?!" I asked, picking up a rock and turning this way and that; looking out for any signs of danger.

"I think I hurt my ankle." She moan and stumbled as she tried to walk, but couldn't.

"Please tell me your joking." I pleaded, as I let her grab onto me and started on our way. The flight instinct we had a few moments ago vanishing at the sight of my long time friend hurt. This was not the time to have a sprained ankle.

She looked at my worriedly and tried taking a few steps again, only to stop and hiss in pain. "Its sprained." She said, trying a few more times to walk on it without limping and falling.

"Which way should we go?" I asked, as we both looked at our surroundings. There really was nothing but trees around us. There wasn't anyone chasing us either it seemed. Maybe whoever was trying to break down the door at the shed was still trying to break it down and didn't hear us running away. Things were calm at the moment, and so we just picked a direction and started walking. Amy probably could walk on her own if it was just sprained, but I think we both just found comfort and holding onto each other. She was my anchor and I was hers at the moment. We both jumped and grabbed tighter to each other at the sudden sound of a shriek that broke the silence of the woods around us. "W-wh-what.....?" I asked looking around.

"I-i think it w-was a shriek owl. They live in the woods right?" Amy said, trying to explain away the sound.

"I don't know!" I said, not stopping and looking around. Why did the trees all look the same. And what was with the sky? The weatherman had called for sunny weather the last time I watched television. But the sky was so cloudy and gloomy I couldn't even see the sun. 'And now I'm just trying to focus on something that is less scary, Great Adam. Just great. Way to man up.' My thoughts were interrupted by the white noise sound again and I was vaguely aware of Amy grabbing at her head and groaning.

"Something is wrong...." She groan.

"Yeah." I agreed shaking my head trying to quiet the white noise. It was starting to die down now. Another shriek and a snap of a twig had us moving faster, and after a few random turns later we broke through the treeline. The ground was littered with rocks and the mouth of a large tunnel greeted us. We stared dumbly for a moment at the sight of the darkness in its mouth. I looked around but couldn't see a way around it. "We're going to have to go in, aren't we?." I said, voicing our option. Goosebumps crawled up my spine as I continued to look to at the opening of the tunnel. The total darkness signified that there was no opening at the end of the tunnel.

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