Chapter 39: Hurdles

Start from the beginning

"You got your wish, didn't you Elliot? What's the point of fertility sparing surgery?" She asked with a shake of her head and tears came from my eyes. My wish huh? I thought miserably.

"Mrs. King, please control yourself. The patient needs your support. Please think this through and inform us on how you want to proceed." The doctor said calmly.

"How long do I have before my surgery." I asked her in a quivering voice.

"One or two days. We don't want to keep a tumor like that for long after we detect it usually. You shouldn't underestimate the importance of early treatment in cases like this." She said before walking out of my room.

I took a shuddery breath and my mum looked at me accusingly.

"Mum, will you please stop looking at me like that?" I asked her uneasily.

"I can't believe you took some random hormone supplement like it was some vitamin pill." She said.

"But it was progesterone and testosterone and stuff. Some of it said it prevents gynecological cancers. One of it said it is used to treat endometriosis." I said and she glared at me.

"You would believe just something written over the internet?" My mum asked with a shake of her head.

I gave her a contrite look. "I am sorry. But it could have been something else that caused it too." I mumbled.

My mum sighed and sat down beside me. "Ellie, you are so reckless sometimes that I get so scared." She said as she lowered her head on her hands as if admitting defeat.

"You are right though. Let's forget this and focus on how to make you get better. The first time you had periods you were in extreme pain too. It's my fault too that I wasn't attentive enough over you. I should have taken you to a doctor then." She said guiltily.

"Mum..stop! What's happened has happened. This is treatable right?" I asked anxiously and she also looked a bit worried.

"They said it depends on the stage of the cancer." She replied.

"But it could just be a benign tumor right?" I asked hopefully and my mum didn't say anything. I still couldn't digest that the doctor thinks it is ovarian cancer. Maybe I should search some more about it on the internet. But for me, even at that point what was more important was to talk to Levi.

"Mum, is Levi here?" I asked her and she shook her head. I gave her a distressed look. Was Levi that upset with me? I guess he was. He did say he would not bother me again. But, I was sick and admitted in hospital. So, I thought, just maybe he would be here.

Just then a nurse came to change my IV. I watched her remove the empty one and put on a new one. The fluid did not seem to go through my vein and she rubbed my hand to make it flow. There seemed to be a block. She took an injection with a clear liquid and injected it to the catheter in my hand and tried again but it was going very slowly.

"Sorry. I need to put the catheter in the other hand." She said and I nodded. It hurt a bid but she finished inserting it quickly into my right hand. I watched her remove the catheter in my left hand and then take a pen and note the date and time on my right hand catheter dressing.

"Wait, it's already 6 August?" I asked with a frown. The last time I checked, it was 4 August. What happened to the two days in between?

"Yes." The nurse said looking curious.

"You were unconscious Elle. Danny brought you to the hospital on Sunday and called us in. You had a ruptured cyst and doctors started some fluid treatment. You woke up in between sometimes but you would zone out." My mum said.

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