Dreams Do Come True

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Joyeon steers me into a room, a smallish room, but still enough room to be able to dance properly.

There is a table on one end of the room with JYP, another man, and spare seat which Joyeon takes.

I'm so nervous.

They are all looking at me like they are waiting for something.
I must have to introduce myself.

I bow once again, a bit deeper this time, and introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Y/N, it is nice to meet you."

Jinyoung smiles at my Korean.

"Y/N, you are from Australia?"


"And how old are you?"

"I am 16 now."

I try my best to look as friendly as possible. I smile but not too big, I don't wanna seem like a creep.

The man sitting to the right of JYP speaks now.

"You have a nice frame, it should suit the outfits you will have to wear if you make I on stage."

He speaks in English, thank god.

"Thank you."

I smile at him. I guess that was a compliment, but it still comes off weird to be talking about my body.
Back home you never mention someone's weight unless you are close, it's so rude if you do.
I try my best not to think of bad thoughts about myself and mull over the 'compliment' to give me more confidence.

"Are you fluent in Korean?"

The man is talking to me again.

"No, I have studied it before so I am familiar with the basics. I can read fluently but my grammar is basic."

He nods and looks towards Jinyoung. He starts speaking to him, and I realise he is translating what I just said.
So he is a translator, that makes it less intimidating.
Now I only have two judges.

JYP speaks to me again but there are so many words I cannot understand.

Thankfully the translator speaks to me.

"We are going to play a song, you have to freestyle and we will continue from there."

Freestyle? I'm not sure if I can freestyle, I've never done it in front of people before and I can't watch myself dance.

Joyeon clicks a remote and a song starts playing from the speaker beside the desk.

I listen for a few seconds, trying to understand the beat.

I get the hang of it and begin to move.
It's a slower song, thank fully.

I dance for a couple minutes but it feels like forever.
I become so lost in the song, I am disappointed when they stop the music.

All three of them are smiling at me.

Jinyoung then gives me more instructions.
Well, the translator does.

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