Chapter four: #Tension!

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I don't know what made me more angry, the fact that she sent him my photo without my permission or that she was acting all cool about it like she did nothing wrong.

I slowly got a pillow and hit her on the  head with it. Being the drama queen she is, she threw herself on the floor and pretended to have a coughing fit.

She's not going to fool me this time. I kept on hitting her but not hard enough to hurt her. In no time, she took her own pillow and we had a pillow fight. After what felt like forever, we both got exhausted and fell on the floor panting like fat pigs in a marathon. Need I say more about how unfit we were.

We lay there in a comfortable silence then Tas spoke up,

"Jas I'm really sorry for sending him your photo without your permission. He sounds like a good guy and I think you should give him a chance."

"Tas you know me better than that. All I care about right now is getting into a good college and pursue my dreams. I can't let a guy distract me from all of that. Plus, you know very well relationships before marriage are not allowed in Islam."

"Yes, yes. I know that very well and I'm not asking you to get into a relationship with him. I mean I'd kill you if you did. Just get to know him, who knows he might come meet your parents."

I laughed at this and hit her with another pillow.

"Heeeyyy what was that for" she said sitting up.

I expected her to hit me too but she enveloped me into a big bear hug. How could I stay mad at her.

"love you Tas"
"Love you more Jas"

"Now let's get cleaning. My parents will be here in an hour" The house was a big mess.

Everything was spotless in thirty minutes. We prayed asr together and said our goodbyes before Tas went home. I insisted that she stays with us till dinner but she said I needed time to think about what she told me. This girl is craycray.

I mean what was there to think about? I was not interested in him. Period! End of discussion.

I decided to get started on dinner before my family arrived. I was going to make chicken shawarma. One thing about me is that I really love cooking. Watching those who you love enjoy something you cooked is just sooo satisfying. Food brings people together. Food is life.

"Jassyyyyyy" came a voice. Only one person called me by that name. Ahmad, my 17 year old brother. Growing up, we only had each other so we were really close. My other brother Ali was only five.

"Ammmyyyy" I called back. We had nicknames for one another. How cute right. He swiped me off my feet and twirled me, a habit he always had. I'm not complaining though, I really enjoyed it. I went to say salam to my mom and dad then kissed Ali on the nose.
He loved it when I did that.

Lately, my dad hasn't been himself. He was always so jovial and full of life. I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong. I'd talk to him after dinner In Sha Allah.

My mom came to help me with dinner  while Ahmad set the table. Dinner was more quiet than usual except for Ali's loud chewing and Ahmad chattering about how their day was. Mom and dad were completely lost in their own world.

Suddenly, dad's head slowly rose up, his eyebrows drawn together. His worry lines were quite visible.  Then he said with a soft yet stern voice,

"Jasmine and Ahmad see me in my office in the next five minutes." He stood up and walked towards his office.

My heart started racing and I could feel sweat trickling down my back. Ahmad and I exchanged glances and quickly finished our dinner. I could almost hear the tension in the room.
I had a bad feeling about this.....

What do you think Jasmine's dad wanted to tell them? Leave your comment and don't forget to vote. Xoxo❤

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