
You were so nervous, that you actually woke up 10 minutes before the alarm.

You turned off the alarm- although you knew that Jisoo wouldn't wake up, even if there was a fire alarm right beside her bed- took a painfully cold shower, got dressed in the dress/tuxedo that you had secretly packed and went outside.

The view was incredible, even with the sun only still peeking. The way the clouds blanketed the ocean of trees below was really out of this world. And the array of sun, though it hasn't fully shown yet, really made you stop for a moment, take a deep breath and just be thankful. For your life, your family, and Jisoo, your soon to be wife, hopefully.

You set up the camera facing the sunrise, and made sure it was hidden enough that Jisoo wouldn't notice it when you brought her out. Your plan was to ask her to marry you, at the top of this hill, infront of the sunrise in Spain and hoped she would say yes. Because if she didn't, it would be hella heartbreaking, and not to mention, awkward, but you didn't want to think about that.

Once you got the perfect setup, you did a small pep talk, and slapped yourself a few times to stop your hand from trembling and to also help you with courage.

'You can do this'
'You're not a wimp'
'Not a wimp'

You took a deep breath before entering the cozy cabin and walking to your bed. You saw Jisoo sleeping in a not-so-feminine position and you chuckled to yourself.

"Hey, Jisoo, good morning" You kneeled down beside the bed and gently stroked her head.

"Mm" She groaned, eyes shut.

"Jisoo, wake up, you said you wanted to see the sunrise" You told her again, this time gently removing hair from her face.

"Mm.." She slowly stretched her body. "Good morning" She rubbed her eyes, finally opening them. She looked you up and down, noticing that you were dressed up, "Why are you all dressed up? What's the occasion?" Jisoo asked, still no clue to your grand plan.

"Come on, you said you wanted to see the sunrise" You pulled her onto her feet, dodging the question like a pro.

"Okay okay" She obliged.

You brought her out, and stood at the spot where the camera was shooting, with the sunrise behind you.

"Wow" Jisoo's awestruck face was even more incredible, with her jaw dropped, eyes wide open, and super messy hair. She looked, you dare say, flawless.

After giving her a full minute to soak in the beauty of the sunrise, you slowly took her hand in yours, got down on one knee, and looked up to this Goddess that is your girlfriend. She was still gazing at the sunset when you finally called her name, "Kim Jisoo"

"These past few years with you has been one hell of a roller-coaster ride, but it had been with you and I'm more than grateful for that. Not only have we shared our joy, tears, sweat and even blood, you know, that time when we shared our blood types, but we've also been through so, so much together. And we've grown together, much more mature and much more stronger. I know sometimes we might have our differences but we always find a way around it, and to be completely honest, I don't know what i would do if you hadn't walked into that ice cream shop all those years ago. I would seriously be lost in this cruel world if i hadn't met you. So to cut it short, I'd like to visit that shop every day for the rest of my life, with you. So Kim Jisoo, would you please make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?"

You ended, tears threatening to fall, thinking about all those years. You could see her glossy eyes and knew that she was also replaying how you two first met in her head. She had her hand covering her mouth, at a loss for words.

"But I look like a literal mess right now, look at me Y/N, i didn't even comb my hair this morning, i drooled a little last night and i haven't even washed my face yet, and these, these pants are duck-patterned and.." She rambled, tears falling as she realised how she must've appeared.

"Babe, it's this version of Jisoo that I'm truly in love with, the messy but adorable Jisoo, and i want to spend my whole life with this Jisoo, because i love her so so much" You said softly.

Her tears were free-falling, when she finally nodded and said, "Yes, babe, Yes!"

You got up and caught her lips with yours, just like how she caught your heart when it was falling at 300Mph all those years ago.

"Thank you Jisoo, really, i love you an insane amount, it's crazy" You felt tears fall not long after.

"I love you too Y/N, now and forever" She cuddled up into your chest as you two were hugging.

And as you two were enjoying the sunrise, she suddenly spoke up,

"So are you making breakfast today or?.."

School fvcking sucks and i fvcking hate it:) Also,-ugh i hate self promoting but whatever- i dropped a TWICE x Reader Imagines book so go check it out if you want to. Okay that's all I'm gonna say.

Happy New Year!

Sincerely, Author N

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