Auf Wiedersehen

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It's the third day of the new year and already people want to cause unnecessary problems for me. But that's fine, I'm totally used to it.

This work was started on a whim, a project that was supposed to be between myself and two very close friends. But due to unforseen circumstances they both could no longer help me with it and thus I thought to delete it. That is until I was practically begged not to.

I love getting your votes and your cooky comments because they make me laugh and smile and does my heart some good to know that something I made has brought someone else some joy even though the feeling is fleeting for me.

When I typed what I typed I was trying to get into the minds of the characters and for those of you who are true fans of the show then you know how Max is; especially when it comes to vulgarity.

It was a joke. It made multiple people laugh and it sure as hell didn't stop anyone from voting for it, reading it, and liking it. It's been a day or two and I've been getting harassment because of one user in particular who shall not be named because unlike them I don't want to be messy and link their account because I don't want this to continue at all.

I am truly sorry if that word offends you to this degree but at the end of the day it's my story and you really can't do a goddamn thing about it. Shut me down, hell I have all my chapters saved, I'll come back and post it on another account again and again and again.

You don't see me criticizing your work like I know you. Because one it's not my place and two it's so tacky and out of place dear. Oh and assuming one's gender is very ignorant of you and I'm highly offended by that. See how that works? Now we can be triggered together.

Anyway, I had plans to update and give you guys a late New Year's special that was full of fluff and love and hugs and all things that make your heart soar to the cosmos. Buuuuuuuuut this has really put so much stress on me that I don't even want to continue.

As of right now, "The Father, The Son, The Campe Diem", is on a hiatus for I don't know how long. I'm sorry.

During this time I'll be working on my other fics and maybe tinkering with this one here and there but nothing is set in stone.

As always, thank you for reading and understanding.

Sincerely, Rosé~

(P.S. Love how they were mad about my use of that slur but made no mention on Neil calling Max, Pocahontas. If you're going to be triggered and offended, please do it the right way and don't half ass it.)

The Father The Son The Campe DiemWhere stories live. Discover now