Chapter Nineteen

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Taylor cleared her throat and walked towards David, "David have you tried 'The Vampiric Method'?" Just then David's face dropped into a scowl, "I don't think that'll wor-" he tried containing his temper as he was cut off. "It could if Alex tried to deliver before injecting her." Taylor stated rather quickly then turned to Emma, "What is the Vampiric Method?" Emma wondered as she asked Taylor but David sighed and stepped forward, "The method was first discovered during the first era of Vampires my lady, there was an outbreak virus that spread through the whole body stopping and shutting down the main organs as it went, a doctor had an idea that if they had the venom of a vampire it could temporarily stop the blood flow and preserve the body but ironically not turn the patient into a vampire. From then on it was called 'The Vampiric Method' so it would give the doctors time to work on the body and find the virus as it wouldn't be able to continue around the body since the blood flow had stopped. But there are risks, if the blood flow doesn't start again within an hour the possibility of death would be quite high." David finished looking at the ground and sighed again, he knew the symptoms it would cause but still didn't trust the method.

"I wanna go through with i-" Alex started but was cut off by Janine pleading, "No I can't let you do that! I just got you back and you'd risk your life for something that might not even work. Please Laura." Alex dropped her gaze from her mother and took a deep breath then slowly released it, she looked back up to her mum, "I can't I have to at least try, I want to do everything in my power to save my babies. If you were in my situation pregnant with me or Toni would you give up?" She stressed with teary eyes at her mother knowing she had proven her point to her parents. Janine leaned closer to her daughter and nodded her head knowing that if she spoke her voice would fail her. Alex simply took her mothers hand in her own and squeezed it lightly and threw a warm smile at her then squeezed her former mistresses hand for the go ahead. Emma nodded to her and kissed her forehead then told David to get everything ready and Taylor volunteered to help him to speed up the process while Nicole and Emma prepared Alex for the procedure.

"Baby are you sure you wanna go through with this?" Emma questioned worry etched in her voice with her eyes full of concernment as her forehead creased a bit because of how much she was worrying. Alex nodded and tried to manage a smile, " I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't. I need to try, even if it doesn't work I can at least say I tried."


The sweat was beating off Alex's forehead as she felt like her body was numb but on fire. She pushed and tried as hard as she could then was injected with The Vampiric fluid, after that her body basically went limp but her temperature tried to escape through sweat. Sam was called in as Emma knew Alex would of wanted Sam to be there when she woke up. Taylor was handing David each tool he needed as Emma was keeping an eye on Alex's remaining time and wiping away the sweat beads that formed on her forehead and arms while Nicole and Sam were trying to comfort Alex's parents while offering some refreshments to calm and collect themselves while telling them some funny stories about Alex during her time spent in the castle, she left out the parts about her kidnapping and fights and Taylor betraying them. Suddenly the heart monitor started to beep slowly letting David know that he would have to be quicker as the vampire fluid is waring off. Her temperature started to get higher then dropped dramatically. She was as cold as ice. Then out of the blue a smouldered cry could be heard throughout the hospital wing. "Taylor, quick! Take this one, Alex is starting to waken up." David rushed while gently handing Taylor the baby who had a freshly cleaned blanket in her arms ready for the baby. She wrapped the white blanket around the little newborn hybrid and asked Nicole to come and hold the other baby. She grabbed a blanket and placed it over her arms as she cradled it close to her chest. Alex started trying to open her eyes a little but let out a painful howl as she felt her body flare up and the aching area between her thighs throb. Emma rushed over to Alex and placed a damp cloth over her forehead while cooing into her ear letting her know everything will be alright. Everyone's head shot to Alex but she couldn't return them as she was trying to keep herself conscious and not focus on the pain. She was able to look in the direction of a little cough and saw that Nicole was admiring a baby in Taylor's arms then her eyes went as wide as discs and realized she was a mom! Then suddenly came another muffled cry then Nicole rushed over to David who then gently placed the baby into her soft embrace.

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