Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"I am sorry your Majesty."... Those words rang through the queens mind for a minute as she wobbled back a few steps while holding her hands to her mouth, she then finally snapped out of her shock and looked up at her loyal friend David Johnson with tears in her eyes, "Is there anything we can do to save them?" She asked her voice just above a whisper. David broke his gaze off his queen and reached for his clipboard on his desk and read over it. He analyzed the paper for a minute or two while Emma continued to try and think of ideas while calming herself down since she will have to see Alex soon. "I can't give her any more than I've already gave her, there's noth-", Emma cut David off, "There must be something! Please this would kill her." Emma pleaded the hurt present in her voice but the doctor just shook his head in silent grimace.

Emma nodded her head letting a few stray tears fall as realization started to sink in. She walked towards the door way and stood there waiting a minute to collect herself and wipe away her tears before she were to face Alex. She knew she would have to be strong for the both of them no matter how much she was hurting herself. 'Time to face the music.'  She thought as she stepped through the doorway and continued over to her barely conscious mate. While walking over she noticed Nicole and Taylor were consulting each other in a corner while Alex's parents were by their daughters side her mother sitting by the bed holding her left hand as her father stood tall over her mother's right shoulder gazing down with watery emerald colour eyes. The sight alone made Emma want to curl into a ball and grimace for her own family and how broken they were and still are, some of her living brothers and sisters wouldn't even stand being near her or Nicole since their parents death, they blamed it on Emma and Nicole saying that if they didn't distract them all the time or let them know where they were it wouldn't of happened. So Emma being the third eldest out of seven had to claim the throne since her people adored her and she was most worthy and resposible. She valued her only remaining sister who did not blame her for the crisis. Her other sisters and brothers weren't with Emma, Nicole and their parents at the time of the incident as they were with their aunts at the holiday beach home so don't understand the complete trauma that Emma and Nicole experienced. The other siblings especially Jasper, Thomas and Evian do not care for the queen or Nicole, they believe they are too weak to be royals never mind in control of a kingdom so they have challenged Emma's authority and crown-ship claiming she wasn't fit to be queen. That's the only time she really ever hears of her hate filled siblings.

Emma took a deep breathe as she reached for her former slave's hand to only have Alex turn her head and smile slightly up at her and reach back for her hand. Emma rubbed her thumb over the back of her girlfriends hand lovingly as Alex smiled up to her parents on the other side of her. She didn't exactly know how to break the news to her but she took a few deep breaths and placed her left hand on Alex's right shoulder so her mate would give her the proper attention she needed.

"Babe, umm I've just spoken with David and it, it isn't good at all." Emma choked out trying not to let her tears fall. 'Be strong, Alex needs you.' She thought over and over waiting for any other signs to continue what she had to say, but honestly she did not know what she would say. "What's happened my love?" Alex asked in a small voice clearly afraid of the answer. Emma stifled a sob and held onto Alex's shoulder a little tighter in fear that she would disappear once she told her. "The womb has been cut open," Emma stopped to take a breath and calm herself down as she could feel herself beginning to cry but Alex reached her hand up to her right shoulder to lightly grip her loves hand in comfort. "The bab-ies are go-ing to d-i-e. I'm so sor-ry." Emma stuttered while trying to contain herself from crying, she glanced down at Alex to see her staring straight ahead with a look of hurt, shock and confusion plastered on her face.

"Is there anything we can do?" The brokenhearted werewolf asked in a pleading yet plain tone not taking her eyes off the white wall facing her. "I do-n't think s-so hun, Johnson explained that if they were to sur-vive they would need to be delivered within the hour but your not strong enough just yet, I wish there was something that I could do." The queen stated as she collected herself and regained composure. She bent down at the side of Alex's side and rested her head on the bedside. "I'm willing to try. I want to at least try." Alex blurted out, her voice cracking during the outburst. All of the heads in the room shot towards Alex in amazement, but David walked through the door with a bag of fluids. "I'm sorry my dear but if you were to do that you could risk yourself dying in the process, it is my job to help and heal people so I cannot allow you to go through with this. I am truly sorry thou-", "There could  be a way." Taylor blurted out interrupting David. "Taylor, I'm not positive it'll work." Nicole stressed trying to explain before Taylor, but everyone's eyes and ears were set in what Taylor had to say.

A slave's messed up life (Lesbian story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora