chapter three

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Laura's p.o.v

Some time later...

After what seemed like a never-ending journey of awkward silences, sneaky peaks from both sides and overwhelming tiredness and pain we eventually stop. I push myself up to look out the window to see a massive building that I could only describe as a castle that looks somewhat medieval with a touch of 21st century surrounded by a palette of natural rainbow colours poking out of the ground. 

"Home again M'lady. May I help you out?" Henry asked my mistress, I am going to have to get used to saying and hearing that I guess. 'We can put up with it for a few weeks, its only until mom breaks us outta here.' "Thank you, Henry please carry my new slave inside." The middle-aged carriage driver nods making his way to me. "Ok c'mon I'll lift you gently." Henry had a deep but gentle voice. He kept to his word the best he could as he carries be bridal style out of the carriage being careful to avoid any obvious scars or open wounds which I greatly appreciate. I looked over his shoulder to view my surroundings, God this place is beautiful. I've gotten a better look of the stunning gardens it was at least 2 acres long with a stables further down at the side of a stony path. This whole area looked like something from a painting.

As we approach the castle, I was able to tell this woman belongs to a very rich family. I suddenly grow really nervous when I see the grand doors at the front of the castle. With each step Henry takes getting me closer to the castle, I begin to struggle harder trying to get away from this place, I didn't belong here. Fear is jolting through my veins with adrenaline following close by. It felt with each step the man took, it was a step closer to a life of fear and chains. I threw my arms and legs around in all directions trying my best to struggle against him, pushing past the pain rippling through my body, my chest gets heavier as did my breathing, I was beginning to feel claustrophobic... I was getting very dizzy very quickly, 'Stay focused Laura!' 

"Stop struggling your going to hurt yourself," Henry says annoyed but I didn't care I continued to struggle, if I don't get away from this place soon I'll have a panic attack. "I said stop it now! You're going to get us both in trouble." Henry bellowed clearly unable to hold his tongue any longer, but I didn't care. Bring on the trouble, I'm already bought as a slave what's worse?... 

The mysterious buyer includes herself in our predicament, she starts staring at me noticing my uncomfortable state then pursed her lips as in pondering quickly on a thought. "Henry set her down I'll take her from here, I'm sure I can handle her just fine, you go on." My new mistress says calmly, she must have felt my nervousness. 

The older man sets me down to a standing position but I'm unable to balance due to my ankle being screwed but the beautiful woman instantly put her hand on my right shoulder holding me upright. "You need to catch your breath or you're going to have a nervous breakdown. I get that your nervous, I would be too, and I know you don't want to be here, please try and work with me and I'll do my best for you too, sound like a fair deal?" I knew she meant every word, so I nod as a reply to her deal. I slowly begin to relax again while looking at her, she's so beautiful I swear if I wasn't so banged up right now I'd take her right now on this step. 'You know, for once I'm strangely not gonna disagree with that...' Mavis also commented.

"Let's go in now, you can lean on me for support, I know that blonde bitch messed you up pretty bad but I'll see you're checked out so don't worry." I smirk at my new mistress 'She called the blonde a bitch, maybe I could get used to her,' Mavis chirped making me smile.

I lean on my new mistress but not too hard, even if I don't want to be here it doesn't mean I should give her a hard time, she's obviously going to try for me so she's an exception but if anyone else tries to control me there will be trouble, plus she did take me away from that messed up place. I'll only be here a while since my mom is coming for me. This woman is still so mysterious to me I love her smell, her aura, her voice not to mention she's so beautiful but I know nothing about her. What can I expect to know though I've only shared one carriage journey with her. But still, I feel like I want to get to know more about her. Could be that saying though, "Keep your friends close, enemies closer", I honestly don't know at this point it could be a number of things, it could be Mavis wanting to grasp the situation we're in and take in surroundings and people. Either way I'm up for getting to know more about this English sounding beauty.

My mistress tries walking slowly knowing I have to walk carefully, she opens the doors revealing a huge hall with many doors and corridors, a grand staircase with two flights of stairs, I looked up to the ceiling and noticed a big chandelier based in the middle of the room, the walls were painted a golden colour giving off the impression that royalty lived here. There are large stained-glass windows with purple drapes almost as long as the wall itself. 'Let's hope our job doesn't involve cleaning those windows.' Mavis joked.

I look to my right seeing my mistress staring at me and I wondered what she was going to have me do since I was now a "slave", her slave... She grins and leads me down a corridor to a warm room with an oldish man in a white coat, she clears her throat to announce she was in the room. The man whipped around to look at me and my mistress. 'I gotta learn her name'. "David could you please strap up my slave's ankle I think it's been broken, give her some pain relief for it. Also, could you check how healthy she is and her blood type? See if she has any internal bleeding... You know what that place is like." Her voice went meek thinking back on the cruel market while helping me into a chair. 'We are lucky we were bought by such a nice person.'  I expected to be sold to a real bitch. She seems to actually care, what would she want with a slave?

"Of course, I'll give her a full examine first, then put on the cast, run a few blood samples and let you know what I find. If you want to sit down it could take roughly an hour or so, thankfully we got in the new system so it's all running quicker and smoothly." David smiles grabs his clipboard turns to me and begins the million-question exam. 

A little over an hour later with the occasional glances given and taken to and from my new mistress, a few comforting words being said by her whenever I was in pain... David declares his work finished. "Well, she appears to be healthy, no internal bleeding or damage, she looks like she needs food and a lot of sleep since she's so pale and skinny. The cast has dried off so she is free to go now, by the looks of the x-ray scan it should be properly mended in about two weeks." David said to my mistress clearly pleased he helped me out but a little confused as to how a broken bone that's always used could mend so quickly in such awful living conditions.

"Thank you Doctor I owe you one." My mistress says smiling at the older gentleman. "Miss I'm sorry to interrupt but Mr. David it is me who owes you one, thank you for helping me out. I really appreciate it." I say genuinely, he was gentle when he helped me and when he was asking questions about my health, he also asked and wanted to get to know me too. And didn't push the questions to be too intimate.

"The pleasures all mine, see you around." David kindly replies making me feel a little better about myself. I couldn't quite place his accent; he sounded English with a slight French accent slipping in from time to time. My mistress and I eventually make it to the top of the staircase, and I was grateful for her help since she carried me bridal style making me blush from the closeness. I didn't feel like this when Henry carried me this way, perhaps because she has influence over my life or because she is my ideal siren who knows. I'm guessing the latter...

 We continue down a corridor and stopin front of a nicely painted silver door. She opens the door leading into a small dimly lit cosy room. I look around noticing a bed, a wardrobe and a little window that had bars outside it. It was small but better than what I've had in a long time. 

"Ok this is your room I know it's not much, but I hope it will do for now until I have one made up for you." She spoke hope in her voice. "Thank you miss, this is great I honestly didn't expect this, you've already been so kind to me, thank you for making me feel so calm. I expected to be sold to some random bitch." I reply hugging her taking in her sweet scent, I hope I wouldn't get a punishment for this little gesture. I can't help it, everything in my fibre and being is wanting to keep in her good books, I barely know anything about her and yet she's got this effect. She's been great to me, her aura is so luring and calming to me. I've never felt anything like this before...

She giggles smiling slightly at my little outburst of honesty. "Well, I don't like the bitchy type myself so therefore I stride to avoid such behaviour myself. I'm going to return to my own room now I've a few bits and pieces that need seeing to, I'll start thinking of a name for you, I'll be back later with some food, try and get some rest I'm sure your tired." My mistress then closed the door gently behind her. I let out a sign I wasn't aware I was holding and fall back onto the comfy mattress and take in everything that has happened today.

"I don't know how long I'm gonna be here but I'm gonna be the best at whatever she wants me to be." 'I can't believe you just thought that Mavis'. My wolf needs to shut up.

Why is my life so complicated!

A slave's messed up life (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now