Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Emma's eyes grew wide by realization that her servants were conspiring against her! Emma kneed Taylor in the love maker and punched her for luck causing her fall back with a screech to be caught by Todd. Emma made a break for General Kyle's station. It wasn't too far. 'C'mon Emma you can do this! Breathe!' She heard Taylor, Todd and the other slaves running after her, lucky she had her vampire speed on her side. They only had a little bit more speed than the fastest human, no match for her. She also heard an extra pair of footsteps, she looked behind her and could only see Todd, Taylor another slave. 'Where are the other two?' Emma asked herself.

She stopped and bolted towards Taylor with rage consuming her body, she ran faster and before Taylor could blink she was slammed back against the wall choking and struggling to free herself from the queens cold death grip. Emma looked Taylor dead in her eyes, she was basically telling her she wishes it was just a slap on the wrist. Emma was so focused on Taylor's struggling, she didn't hear Todd coming up behind her!

Before she could do anything to push him away he injected a numbing liquid into her body. Emma throttled Todd and slammed him against the wall beside Taylor and kicked him in a place the sun doesn't shine for extra measure. Taylor quickly punched Emma in the nose in an attempt to escape. She threw Todd to the side knowing he would be sore for a while because of where she kicked him and turned to Taylor completely furious.

"Who do you think you are? You honestly think you could beat me, the queen! You think you could beat me." Emma yelled in Taylor's face. Taylor smirked and spat in her face still smiling. Emma again felt two pair of hands on each holding her shoulders firmly. She sighed wondering why she felt so weak and how it was taking her so long to beat a few half blood vampires.

Before Emma could do anything about them, they both pulled her back and she fell to the ground. She tried to stand up but she couldn't feel her legs and arms. She couldn't feel anything. 'Fucking needle!' Emma thought while trying her best to move her limbs.

She lay on the ground blood trickling down her nose defenceless as the half blood vampires circled around her and Todd stepped forward with the bag. Emma looked around at the other slaves seeing them beaten and bruised with blood on their shirts and skin. One even had a dislocated nose that had blood dripping everywhere.

Todd was just about to knock out Emma before he was tackled to the side. Emma was able to move her head around to see her hero and couldn't believe it. Alex had tackled Todd to the ground punching and kicking his ribs and again somewhere he should not be kicked. 'Poor bastard.'  Emma smirked at Todd's pain, Taylor stood astounded at her girlfriends recovery. She was recovering from a near death experience minutes ago now suddenly defending the woman that's holding her as a slave!

'How the fuck did she know I was here and in danger?'  Emma asked herself, she had only left Alex in her room in bed ready to sleep unable to take four steps on her own and yet she is here! Alex grunted trying to stand up looking down at her work of art laying on the ground. She then went for the slaves surrounding the queen. She stared at them intensely and took a dash for them managing to hit one of them before falling to the ground beside her mistress.

"Alex? What are you doing here? Your supposed to be in bed? How are you able to do all of this? How did you even know I was in trouble?" Emma asked still stunned, every thought came out. Alex looked into her eyes seeing concern covering them. Alex opened her mouth to answer her questions but there was a roar of shouting coming from down the hallway. General kyle and two guards raced down the hallway to aid the queen.

General Kyle's fist met Todd's nose making him fly back crashing into the wall hitting his head, Todd sick of being thrown about quickly got up and darted towards Kyle in a fit of rage punching and kicking him to the ground leaving black and blue bruises all over his face, arms and neck. He sank his short but sharp fangs into Kyle's neck drawing blood causing his body to jolt then going out for the count.

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