chapter eight

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"Stev-" Emma began.

"Now!" Steve howled loudly throughout the massive garden as he ripped his clothes and grew three feet taller with patches of fur appearing all over his chest and arms. Long sharp claws shot out from his fingertips and his heels stretched longer and upwards. His hair and eyes turned dark grey as he ripped the reminder of his shredded clothes off himself. Steve now stood nine feet tall with a hungry look planted on his face.

Both girls stood shocked and shaking knowing what was coming next. They heard a thunder of fierce growls upon the walls surrounding the castle from the outside world, thirty five hybrids were lined along the top of the wall waiting to attack. Steve walked forward and stopped a few feet away from Emma and her slave looking at them as if they were a tasty snack.

"I'll say this one last time your Majesty, step down! Let the hybrids take your place that way you can live, or don't but you will die and we'll still take over, there is too many of us for you to handle especially on your own even with your little slave. I've seen your army we would wipe them out easily. You even said it yourself your weak as is your position!" Steve laughed wickedly smiling.

"I may be a bit dizzy but I'm sure I can still kick your ass Steve, I am the ruler of Hallowed Grove and I intend on remaining the rightful ruler!" Emma bellowed making sure every hybrid could here what she said which she knew they could easily since their hearing was superior to that of a human.

In the castle, Todd heard a lot of the shouting so looked out the second floor window as he heard the queen, his jaw dropped as he ran down the halls screaming and banging on all of the doors, not caring if he got into trouble, it was a true emergency. Finally six angry and confused vampires were staring at Todd. "Sir we are under attack, the hybrids have breached our walls and the queen is in the garden surrounded by them." Todd explained shaking. All of the lords ran over to the windows to check if it was true, Todd's master ran to him, "Todd get General Kyle and Dr. Johnson, alert the rest of the lords and ladies that a battle is about to break loose." Todd nodded and disappeared down the corridors screaming "we're under attack," everywhere while the lords rushed outside.

"ATTACK!" Steve screamed as hybrids jumped down from the steps and walls, they ran towards Emma and Alex from all different directions. Emma ran towards the nearest hybrid and struck it in the stomach sending it flying into four other hybrids. Emma was fighting off another three hybrids before Steve jumped in the middle of them and slashed Emma across her chest making her fall to the ground.

"Get away from my mistress you piece of shit!" Alex yelled transforming into a huge seven foot white wolf with grey strikes and deep brown eyes. Manvis had made her appearance, Laura couldn't hold her back any longer, she knew though if she did they would probably die without a fight.

"Since when did vampires start allowing werewolves in?!" Steve questioned. Manvis charged at Steve making him come out of his shock and bolt straight for her. Steve made a huge dive for her clawing all around him trying to get her but Alex slid under him quickly bitting his back left leg missing his attacks completely. He fell to the ground whimpering while holding his gushing leg. Alex sprinted over to her unconsious mistress to check if she was alright. She bent down and put her head under her body hulling her onto her back carefully jogging over to an oak tree to guard her easier.

'How are we gonna get out of this? There's too many of them for us to take on alone qui-' Alex's wolf was interrupted by a roar of vampires violently colliding with the hybrids, six vampire lords ran over to the weak queen to defend her. Alex sat the queen down and raced off into the fight.

Emma stirred awake hearing the bloody screams and howls around her smelling the fresh blood continuing to pour from her chest and dead bodies around her. She quickly realised she got her sense of smell back, 'The poison must be gone.' Emma thought to herself.

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