Chapter nine

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"No David, no I'm sure you can do something, it saved my life! I'm drawn to this wolf, I don't know why I just am ple-" Emma pleaded begging the middle-aged doctor.

"Another thing I would like you to know is that, I believe this is a possible slave from the castle, I know the scent but I can't place who it belongs to." David said examining the wolf on his table. "The only thing I can give her is a high dose of Eternal Forgiveness and it'll hopefully ease the pain of her passing..."
Emma completely ignored the last part the doctor had to say as she bent down closer to Alex inhaling in the scent hoping to recognize it but didn't know who it belonged to either.
"David, could you please attend to the wounded Lords in the hallway? They will be outraged that a stray wolf is being tended to quicker than them, the last thing we need right now is a reason for them to turn against us too. Also I need some time alone with the wolf." Emma said in a demanding tone letting him know that he didn't have a choice in the matter.
David nodded and grabbed his first aid kit as he rushed out the door. Emma started patting the wolf's bloody fur trying to make a lifetimes decision within a matter of seconds.
"I want to help you, but you need to show me that what I'm about to do will be worth it, try and give me a sign, okay? Come on wake up. Please..." Emma said softly trailing off hoping beyond hope that her furry hero would wake up. Emma began stroking Alex's nose wondering if it would ever wake up when the wolf started tenderly moving its head. Alex finally opened her eyes noticing her angelic mistress crouched down in front of her gazing at her.

"Finally your awake, I was getting worri- Alex? Alex is that you?" Emma asked cutting herself off completely surprised by the deep brown eyes she was staring into. Alex tried to form a smile relieved that her mistress was safe and well then tried to nod which was hard to do without scaring Emma and hurting herself. The queen immediately threw her arms around her furry slave without realizing how weak she was smiling like an idiot with tears of pure bliss bliss streaming her cheeks. Alex yelped with pain, 'She is worth it.' Alex's wolf thought, "I told you she is, we are so lucky to have her, compared to others we have everything." Alex replied to her wolf. She licked her mistress' hand making Emma smile and continue to pet her head but Alex had to lay her head down again one she felt a seering pain in her side, she let out a yelp like a little puppy and tried to stay as still as possible.

"Alex don't worry ok, I'm going to do something you might not like but it will help I promise, please try and sleep it will be less painful." Emma said patting her wolf-like slaves head trying to coax her to sleep. Alex had slipped off to sleep not a minute after since she was so weak, Emma pulled a chair over and sat down next to Alex preparing herself.
She hovered over Alex amazed at her beauty even as a wolf, even as a wolf she still recognised her,  "I love you Alex, you'll be ok soon I promise." Emma whispered kissing her furry head lightly. Alex barely heard her mistresses voice but could make out 'Love you Alex'. Alex knew she had to be in a dream, 'There's no way she loves me,' Alex thought to herself.

Emma combed some hair out of the way on Alex's neck and sank her fangs into the fuzzy neck. Alex's body jolted away as she felt Emma draining her body, she felt weaker than ever. She started whimpering and squirming trying to show that she was clearly in pain, but her mistress continued, 'She promis...' Alex's couldn't finish her thought before felt herself being devoured by darkness once again.

Several hours later...

"Sam can I have another AB with a triple whiskey?" Emma asked smiling at the old lady half drunk. Emma was sitting in the kitchen worrying about her slave, she hasn't been able to see her since she drained the poison from her blood stream. 'What if I drained too much of her blood? What if there is still some poison left? What if-' Emma was brought out of her thoughts by Sam setting a bag of AB blood on the table in front of her with her second full bottle of whiskey.

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