Chapter 23

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Pit, Link, and Minerva ran out of Palutena's temple, rushing to where the dark clouds were. It looked like a huge thunderstorm was forming. The troops were having the panicked people evaluate from the area as the wind started picking up.

Stopping where they stood, the three saw a dark, tall figure approaching them. As Minerva got a good look at this person who was slowly becoming clear, her eyes widen as she began trembling.

Pit looked at her with worry. "It's ok, Minerva."

Minerva slowly shook her head. "No... That guy... He's the one who killed my parents that night..."

Both Pit and Link grunted as they turned towards Hades who was at a little distance away, but they could see him clearly. This scary looking god had purple skin and red tattoos, with red, green, and pink hair that looked very similar to flames.

Minerva felt herself trembling from fear, seeing her parents' killer right in front of her. Hades was smirking at the three of them. "I wish to meet Athena. Do you know where she might be? Because all I see are two pests and a weak, yet adorable girl."

Pit had Minerva hide behind him. "Why do you want to see her?"

"I have heard that this goddess has defeated Medusa so easily. I would like to see for myself what kind of power this goddess has."

Pit stared daggers at him. "You better be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it."

Hades let out a laugh. "Don't make me laugh, Pitty Pat!"

Link arched an eyebrow. "Pitty Pat?"

Pit let out a groan. "This guy can be so weird with names..."

"Why..?" Minerva asked. Both grunting, Pit and Link turned to Minerva who was trembling. "Why did you kill my parents that night?" She gritted her teeth, her face visibly angry. "They never did anything to you! So why did you end their life?! Why?!"

Hades let out another laugh. "Do you mean that time when I attacked that puny village two years ago? I got bored, so I wanted to kill humans to satisfy my boredom."

Minerva's hands clenched into fists. "You killed my parents... Because you were bored?!" The guys never seen Minerva so angry as she looked like she was ready to murder someone. "I'll fucking kill you, you heartless monster!"

As Minerva tried to take a step forward, Link held her back. "Don't do anything rash, Minerva. Don't let fury and rage take over you. If you just head into a fight aimlessly, you'll only get killed."

Minerva was breathing hard, trying to keep it together. Tears wielded up in her eyes, her body tensing down. "I just want to avenge my parents for what he has done to them! If it weren't for him, they would still be alive right now..!"

Pit couldn't stand the sight of Minerva crying. His eyes wavered as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Minerva. We will help you avenge your parents. We'll defeat him together."

Minerva wiped her tears away, nodding. "Yeah. We will defeat him. Thank you, Pit."

Pit gave her a smile. "No problem."

Hades let out a yawn. "Are you done? Because I would really like to destroy you."

At the same time, Pit took out his blade, splitting the middle to make it two. Link took out his Master Sword with the Hylian Shield. Minerva took out her spear, her bracelet was starting to glow.

Hades smirked. "You're pretty adorable for an ordinary human, Marvelous Minerva." He winked at her afterwards.

Minerva felt herself shuttering violently from Hades's pass at her. "Eat shit, you flaming motherfucker!"

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