Chapter 8

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Pit went through the gates, still carrying Minerva princess style. Once they were at the other side of the gate, he put her down.

Minerva couldn't believe her eyes, the sight of this other world was way beyond words. The floor was all stone with beautifully aligned posts that was leading to a huge divine temple. There was a huge fountain nearby along with a huge field of flowers that she had never seen before. There were some people walking around. This place was like a dream.

Minerva couldn't help but smile and feel secured in this safe haven. Pit came from behind her while smiling. "How do you like it?"

Minerva turned to him with a bigger smile. "It's absolutely beautiful! Thank you for taking me here!"

Pit slightly smiled while blushing. He rubbed the back of his head shyly. "You're welcome." He cleared his throat, averting his gaze. "I'll lead you to Lady Palutena. Follow me, please." He started to walk towards the huge temple up ahead with Minerva following behind. She swore she can hear birds chirping and a harp playing from afar.

Stepping inside the temple was like a mime field. Everything looked so delicate and expensive that if you took one wrong step, it could break. But overall, everything was gorgeous. It really did feel like she had stepped into a goddess's home.

Pit stopped where a woman with long green hair stood. Minerva blushed at the sight of this goddess, thinking she was really beautiful. Palutena gave her a smile. "You must be Minerva."

Feeling shy, Minerva nodded. "Y-Yes... It's nice to meet you, Lady Palutena." She bowed her head to show respect.

Palutena giggled. "Raise your head, dear." Minerva raised her head to meet the goddess's gaze. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of Pit when he lost his memory. It was fortunate that you have found him and not an enemy."

Minerva was stumbling on her words. "N-Not at all, m-my lady!"

Palutena softly smiled. "You do not need to feel nervous around me. I am like a mother to you just like you are like a child to me."

Minerva did feel strong motherly vibes from Palutena. Calming her nerves, she nodded in response. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for, my dear." Palutena's gaze was on Minerva's wrist. "I see that you have received my bracelet. How do you like it?"

Minerva gave her a smile. "I love it. Thank you so much for giving it to me."

Palutena returned the smile. "You're very welcome. I granted that bracelet you wear the power of protection. You see, I am the goddess of light as well as the guardian of the human race. I must protect my children any way I can. And since you have involved yourself with Pit, Minerva. The creatures of the underworld will be more drawn to you."

The news made Minerva feel scared, but she wasn't trying to let it show. "I understand. So this bracelet will protect me from creatures like those skull spiders with one eye that attacked my village?"

"That's correct. Though you may have protection on your side, it will make me feel at ease if you have a weapon on hand as well."

"But..." Minerva paused. "I have zero experience in that kind of thing. I never fought even once in my life."

"You do not need to fight, my child. It's only to protect yourself." Palutena summoned something in her hands, giving it to Minerva. "Perhaps this will help."

Minerva received a spear with a glowing light surrounding it. She looked at it in awe, thinking it was a weapon that gods would use. "Are you sure you want to give this to me? I don't feel worthy of holding such an outstanding weapon like this."

Palutena nodded. "It's yours to use, Minerva. It also grants the power of protection. As long as you use it, you won't receive any serious damage."

Minerva still felt nervous about all of this. She felt secured that she had things to protect herself with, but she knew despite that, she would get hurt if she wasn't careful. "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome." Palutena turned to Pit. "I have a mission for you, Pit."

Pit had his serious face on, his body erect. "Yes, Lady Palutena?"

"I have heard that Medusa plans to start a war in Skyworld soon. She wishes to take back what was rightfully hers she claims. We cannot allow her to take over Skyworld."

Pit slightly bowed his head. "Crystal clear! I will stop her from doing so!"

"I know you can do it, Pit. But you cannot do it alone. You will need a couple of people to assist you. And I know one person so far." Palutena turned to Minerva.

Minerva caught on as she shook her head. "Oh! No! I can't fight! I'm not a fighter! I can't do it!"

"I know you are a beginner, but I sense something great within you. I believe you will help benefit Pit. I know it's a lot to ask, but please assist Pit with this mission."

Minerva swallowed nervously. It would be a huge bump in the road. It was something a goddess was asking her. And a god is never wrong. Feeling scared in the inside, Minerva nodded. "I will try my best to help him."

Palutena gave her a smile. "Thank you. I know you will be able to conquer your fear once you do it. I promise you that much."

Minerva only felt like she would be in the way since she had never fought in her life. And her first opponent would be Medusa. The lady with snakes, and if you look at her, you will turn into stone. A shiver went up her spine just thinking about it. "O-Ok..."

Palutena gave both Minerva and Pit a smile. "Good luck to the both of you."

"Thanks, Lady Palutena!" Pit turned towards Minerva. "Come on! Let's gather up some people!" She nodded as she followed Pit out of the temple.

Walking outside the temple, Minerva was thinking of some people she thought could help them, but no one came to mind. "Hm... Do you have an idea who to ask, Pit?"

Pit rubbed the back of his head while laughing. "Honestly... I have no idea!"

Minerva dropped her eyelids. "Really..?" She paused for a moment to think more. "Do you know someone who wields a sword at least?"

It looked like an idea came to Pit. "Now that you mention it, I do know a really good swordsman! We go way back!"

"Do you know where they are?"

Pit nodded. "I've only been there once to visit, but I know where to go! Though it's a bit far..."

Minerva arched an eyebrow. "How far exactly?"

"Like, another country far. But don't worry, we'll get there in no time if I fly there."

"You'll have to carry me again..." A blush appeared on Minerva's face.

"I know that!" Pit went over to her as he lifted her up, carrying her princess style. She clung onto Pit tightly, her heart racing 100 mph. "Hold on tight!"

Minerva shut her eyes as soon as Pit bolted into the sky. He went through the giant gate of Skyworld, heading into a direction that she wasn't familiar with.

Minerva looked up at Pit, her hair blowing in the wind. "So... Where is this swordsman? Where exactly is he?"

Pit slightly smirked. "You'll see, Minerva. You'll see." Arching an eyebrow, Minerva kept silent, getting the hint that Pit wouldn't tell her until they get there. She was curious at where this mysterious swordsman was that has a history with Pit. It would still be a while until they get there, even traveling by air.

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