Chapter 14

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It's been about a week since Minerva started training. She was a fast learner with her spear, but still had a little bit of difficulty transforming into a goddess.

Out of breath, Minerva was holding her spear in her hands. She charged at Link once more, encountering her attack. Link swung his sword at her which Minerva was able to encounter. "Alright, let's stop here." Link put away his sword at his side, giving her a smile. "You're improving well, Minerva."

Minerva returned the smile. "Thank you. But I know there's still more room for improvement."

"Of course there's always room for improvement. Even I need to train everyday."

"Really? But aren't you a master?"

Link let out a chuckle. "Just because my sword is called the Master Sword doesn't mean I'm a master in any way."

"Well then..." Minerva bowed her head. "Thank you for your time training me, master!"

Link just blinked, feeling somewhat of a confidence boost. "Why, you're welcome."

Pit came over to Minerva. "Let's train on your transformation. Are you feeling ok to do it?"

Minerva nodded. "I'm full of energy!"

Pit smiled at her. "Ok then. Show us what you got."

Minerva smiled as she closed her eyes. She was focused on trying to summon Athena. The more she tried, the more exhausted she was feeling. She felt herself falling to the ground.

"Minerva!" Pit ran over to her, catching her right on time. "Are you alright?"

Minerva opened her eyes slowly, nodding. "Yeah... I just felt lightheaded for a minute."

Pit let out a sigh. "That power is still too much for you to handle. And from the looks of it, it seems like Athena has a greater chance of getting summoned if you're in some kind of danger."

"You think so?" Minerva thought to herself, she was able to summon Athena that time, because she had a strong desire to protect her friends. "I think you're right."

"Let's try again tomorrow. You don't want to use up all your energy in one day."

Minerva slightly laughed. "That would be bad."

"Hey Minerva." Link said. "I've been meaning to ask. You've been staying at this place for a while. Did you need anything from your home?"

Minerva didn't even think about that. She's been away from her home for a little over a week. She was sure that the villagers, especially the doctor, were worried about her. "Yeah, I do need to pick some stuff up from my house. I also need to reassure everyone there that I'm alright."

Pit's eyes widen. "I didn't even go back to the doctor to tell her that you're ok! She must be worried sick!"

Minerva felt her heart pound. "We should go there as soon as possible."

"I'll stay here." Link said. "I can keep an eye on the place while you're gone, Pit."

"Thanks, Link." Pit said. "But do not go through my stuff, got it?"

Link raised an eyebrow while smirking. "Oh? Are you hiding something inappropriate?"

Pit averted his gaze to the side. "Uh... No..?"

Link snorted. "Don't worry, I'm not going to go through your stuff. Though I am curious."

Minerva was wondering the same thing. "Yeah... What are you trying to hide, Pit?"

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