Chapter 16

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In a peaceful yet small village, there was a young girl that was watching a woman make medicine from scratch. She looked about 8-9 years of age. "When I grow up, I want to be a doctor just like you, mom!"

Her mom gave her a smile. She had black hair that was tied into a bun with hazel eyes. She wore glasses and a doctor's coat. "You've told me several times, Minerva. I'm so happy that you would want to follow in my footsteps."

Minerva nodded. "I want to help people just like you!"

"It does give you the feeling of fulfillment." There was a knock on the door. "Can you answer that, Minerva?"

"Yes, mom!" Minerva went over to the door, opening it. It was the future doctor of the village, but she looked a bit younger and was only an apprentice.

The young doctor gave Minerva a smile. "It's good to see you, Minerva."

Minerva returned the smile. "It's good to see you too, Lianna! My mom is inside, you can come in."

"Thank you." Lianna entered the house, walking towards Minerva's mother. "Good day, Doctor Mei-Ling."

Minerva's mom gave the young doctor a smile. "Welcome, Lianna. I have new preparations for you. If you would be so kind to help me."

Lianna nodded. "Yes, doctor."

"Minerva. Go outside and check on your dad, please. Make sure he's not overdoing it again."

"Ok!" Minerva went out of the house, closing the door behind her.

Minerva was walking around the village in search of her dad. She saw someone lying face down on the ground nearby. She knew exactly who it was. "Dad!"

Minerva ran over to the man, carefully helping him up. Her dad groaned in exhaustion, seeing Minerva there as he smiled at her. "Hello Minerva..."

Minerva let out a sigh. "After when mom told you not to overdo it again..."

Her dad let out a chuckle. "Don't tell your mother, please." Her dad was quite burly. He had brown hair with a facial beard and brown eyes.

"It'll depends how your health is."

"Ok fine, that can be an exception."

Minerva helped her dad up on his feet. "Do you feel hurt anywhere?"

"Nope! I'm as healthy as can be!" Her dad started flexing proudly.

Minerva giggled at the sight. "I know you work hard to help support us, but you don't need to push yourself so hard, dad. It would make me sad to see you get hurt."

Her dad softly smiled at her as he rubbed the top of her head. "Sorry, kiddo. I know I shouldn't make you or your mother worried anymore."

Minerva pouted with her lower lip. "You shouldn't even be making us worried to begin with..."

Her dad let out a laugh. "Oh, Minerva! You're so funny when you make that face!"

"I'm not trying to be funny..."

Her dad was calming his laughter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look, I'll make it up to you by getting you some ice cream. What do you say?"

Minerva's eyes sparkled. "Can I get the ice cream sandwich that looks like a cat?!"

"Anything you want, kiddo."

Minerva gave her dad a hug. "Thank you so much, dad!"

"Just... Promise me that you won't tell your mother about seeing me passed out. I'm really feeling alright."

Two Angels, One Heart - A Kid Icarus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now