Start from the beginning

Louis: You and Louis had been dating for 2 years. At first everything was picture perfect but for the past week or so, you and he had been fighting constantly about pointless things. It was really pissing you off, so you turned to alcohol. The feeling you got after having a couple shots made you relax. Yes, you knew it was hurting you, but you felt good. Louis didn’t know about this, you kept it secret. You figured he’d get so mad and just quit. You loved Louis and you didn’t want him to leave, so you kept it secret. So far, you had been doing a pretty good job, but one day, Louis came across an empty bottle in your closet. “(Y/N), what’s this?” he asked, holding it up for you to see. “Uh, nothing… where did you find that?” you said, trying to hide the nervousness in your voice. “I found it in the closet,” he said, giving you a skeptical look. “Is it yours?” “What? Why would you think it was mine?!” you said, starting to raise your voice. “Oh come on (Y/N)! I know we’ve been fighting more than often!” “So you think I start drinking to feel better?!?” you screamed. “I DON’T KNOW (Y/N), WHY DON’T YOU TELL ME?” You stood back. Louis had never screamed at you like that. “Maybe…” you slunk back. “(Y/N)…” Louis said, his voice sympathetic. “Yes, Louis! I’m sorry, okay? It made me feel better… I love you so much and I don’t want to lose you!” you cried. “How much?” he asked quietly. “Like 2 bottles a day,” you answered just above a whisper. He didn’t say anything. He walked over to you and took you in his strong arms. You just let it all out. You could feel wetness in your hair. He was crying too. “Baby, I’m so sorry… I know we’ve been fighting more than usual. I don’t want to anymore. I just want to be happy with you.” You pulled your head away from him and looked into his blue eyes. “Me too Louis… can we start now?” He let out a teary chuckle and nodded before kissing your forehead and bringing you back into his comforting arms.

Niall: Drugs. Drugs were your escape. Your escape from the living hell you called life. You were dating Niall, and that was the only part you were happy with. Your parents were both alcoholics and were always on your case. They would tell you how you’re lucky to have Niall, but they were surprised you even had a boyfriend. They called you fat worthless, a whore, slut. Any name you could think of, they would call you. Niall knew about this, but not the drugs. He did his best to protect you but sometimes it would be too late. Earlier today, you had just got home from school when your mom approached you. “You are a worthless whore who is just with Niall for the money,” she spat. You were taken aback by this. “What the hell mom?” you spat right back. “Don’t talk that way to me bitch!” she yelled and then walked away, probably to get more to drink. You ran up to your room, tears starting to drip down your face. You went up to your room, shut and locked the door, went over to your desk, opened the top drawer and picked up the package of ecstasy pills. What you didn’t know was that Niall had planned of surprising you. You hadn’t seen him standing by your window. You had just popped the first 2 pills in your mouth when you heard someone clear their throat. You quickly spun around to see your boyfriend, with a sad/disappointed look on his face. “(Y/N)…” “Niall, it’s not what it looks like.” “Then what is it (Y/N)? Please, I’d love to hear why you’re taking those… things.” He looked disgusted in you. You immediately felt guilty and he could see it on your face. “Babe, I know… I heard what your mom said downstairs and I know it’s not true. But this is not the way to handle things.” You sighed, defeated, knowing he was right. “I know, Niall. I should have told you and I’m sorry,” you cried, looking down at your feet. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore, okay?” You nodded as he pulled you over to your bed and laid you down. He laid down next to you and held you close. “(Y/N), I want you to come and stay with me. This is not right. I want you to be safe… with me.” You looked up and started crying more. “Niall, that means so much to me! Of course I’ll stay with you.” You gave him a tight hug which he gladly returned. “I love you princess.” “I love you too Niall.”

Zayn: ‘Whore!’ ‘Why don’t you go die, bitch?’ ‘Zayn never loved you, he just feels bad!’ The comments kept coming. And personally, they were making you more mad then sad. ‘You’re only using Zayn for his money you lying bitch!’ That one was the final straw. You stood up and went crazy on the room. You threw the laptop on the floor, knocked all your make up on the floor and banged you head against the wall. Then you just started punching the wall. Over and over again, you didn’t care that they were starting to bleed or that it was getting on the wall, you just kept going. Zayn must have heard the banging from downstairs and rushed upstairs to where you were. He walked in the door and the minute he saw you and the blood he ran over. “(Y/N), stop! Stop!” He grabbed you but you fought against him to keep punching. He finally grabbed your arms and pinned them behind your back without hurting you. By now, the wall were smeared in blood. You kept struggling against his grip but he was strong so no matter how hard you tried, he wouldn’t let go. You finally realized that you wouldn’t get out so you just collapsed. He caught you as you fell and fell with you. He sat down on the floor and set you on his lap as you bawled. “Shhh, baby, shhh,” he coo’ed, trying to get you to calm down. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. He sat you down on the counter. Grabbing the first aid kit, he wet a cloth and dabbed your knuckles. “It’s going to be okay (Y/N), you’re okay.” His words made you feel a bit better, knowing he truly did love you. After wrapping your hands up he offered to watch a movie. You happily agreed, knowing it would help calm you down. He put in your favorite movie and sat down next to you. He wrapped both arms around you, pulling you into him. During the movie, he bent his head to whisper in your ear. “I love you (Y/N), so much.” He grabbed your hands gently and kissed them. From then on, you knew that he did love you, and those people didn’t know what they were talking about.

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