Chapter 1

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This is the story of how my life changed, from one reality to another.

When I was around four years old I was found in some alleyway in London, unconscious, until this nice lady found me. When I woke up, I had no memory of who I was, and or where I came from. I had no one, I was all alone and scared. Obviously she phoned the police, I was taken to the Hospital, where I was met with social service and put into foster care.

Foster care sucks is all I can say, I had a few stable homes over the years but just about all of them were abusive on some levels, whether physical, mental or verbal.

I didn't know my name, one of the older male nurses who tended to me in Hospital named me 'Ayla', he said it meant 'moon glow', he thought it was a cool name, so now I'm stuck with it.

I was found in 2005, I'm seventeen now, and the only thing that kept me afloat during my time in foster care was my favourite TV-show "Doctor who". I love this show, whenever I got the chance, I would watch it, sometimes I had to watch it in secret, in the middle of the night, sometimes I was allowed to watch it with the other kids, my love for it grew, when I watched it, it was like I was there, like I was home.

I knew I was different from other kids, not to be boastful or anything but I felt I was smarter than them, school was easy for me, and I did skip two grades a few months after I started school. The other kids didn't like me because of it. I purposefully avoided looking smarter than my piers, I didn't want to be singled out.

When I watched The doctor, I felt like I could understand the concepts he would explain. No one truly understood my love for the show, although some of the other kids loved the show as well, the idea of a man coming to save you and take you far away from the problems you face on Earth.

I do have a problem though, I'm seventeen but I look like I'm bloody thirteen years old. I've always looked younger than what I am. I adapt though, nothing a little makeup can't solve. I've watched so many YouTube tutorials on how to make myself look older. I'm still picked on, not because of my brain but because I look so young.

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